The Trophy of Champions

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Book: Read The Trophy of Champions for Free Online
Authors: Cameron Stelzer
Tags: Rats – Juvenile fiction., Pirates – Juvenile fiction.
half-chewed pie crusts and soggy dog biscuits.
    Shielding his head from the flying projectiles, Whisker glimpsed Horace’s family sitting directly behind the reserve bench dressed in red, black and gold.
    â€˜Hi, Whisker,’ chimed the three sisters, waving gold handkerchiefs and blowing kisses.
    Whisker gave them an awkward wave and tried not to blush.
    â€˜Groupies …’ Ruby muttered, pushing past him to the centre of the field.
    From a velvet-seated commentary box in the first row, Baron Gustave introduced a large blue-and-yellow Macaw named Chatterbeak as the game’s official commentator. The flamboyant parrot puffed up his feathers and squawked excitedly, ‘Madness, madness, hold onto your hats, here come the reigning Cup champions …’

    The reception for the Sea Dogs was almost deafening. Energised by the welcome, the dogs bounded out of the tunnel and sprinted around the perimeter of the field, sparking a Mexican wave.
    After several whistles from a white rabbit in a striped referee’s shirt, the dogs finally stopped their frivolous display and trotted over to the reserve bench. Panting and slobbering, they gulped down great mouthfuls of water from a line of blue water bowls.
    An angry-looking poodle with a bone through her nose and a mohawk shaved into her head made her way towards Whisker on the left wing. Judging by her rough appearance and skull-and-crossbones tattoos, Whisker guessed she was Tuffy.
    â€˜You’re mincemeat,’ she growled, taking her place opposite him.
    Whisker decided it was safest not to respond and waited for the opening bounce. The referee brought the hard rubber ball forward, and with the flip of an hourglass, the game was underway.
    â€˜Caw, caw,’ Chatterbeak squawked. ‘Look at that leap! The Kid out-jumps Ruby for the ball and the dogs have first possession … Right step, left step. Smokin’ jalapenos he’s quick … Here comes Fish Eye Fred with a flying tackle – and crunch time, The Kid goes down …
    There was a loud BOO from the crowd.
    â€˜Skraww, skraww,’ Chatterbeak shrilled, flapping his feathers excitedly. ‘Whisker scoops up the ball in his tail and passes to Horace on the right wing. WHAM BAM ! What a racket pass to full forward … Captain Black Rat makes contact with his foot … The ball is on its way … Fluffy soars through the air … Dog and ball collide … Coooeee! It’s a fluff-fest. The goal is saved by a perm.’
    The spectators roared with delight. Fluffy hurled the ball into the crowd before the Captain could attempt a second shot.
    â€˜â€¦ And the ball is back in play,’ Chatterbeak screeched. ‘Bartholomew Brawl receives a short pass from Sam and takes off down the centre of the field … Wait a minute, folks. Something is happening. I haven’t seen this before, but Brawl is wedging the ball into his … mouth?’
    There was a startled gasp from the crowd.
    Ruby threw her paws in the air and howled in protest, ‘It’s a penalty offence. Send the cheat off!’
    The referee, as equally baffled as the spectators, looked to Gustave for a response. Gustave gestured to an extended list of rules on the commentary table.
    â€˜Brittle birdseed!’ Chatterbeak exclaimed, peering down at the list. ‘According to the rules, it’s perfectly legal for players to carry the ball in their mouths, as long as it remains visible at all times.’ He pointed his wing at Brawl’s powerful jaws. ‘With chompers like those, I doubt anyone will get the ball out!’
    Ruby stamped her foot in frustration. Bartholomew Brawl growled with satisfaction and took off towards the goal. With his four legs free for running, he barged through Whisker and Horace like a runaway stagecoach.
    The Sea Dog captain continued his charge, colliding with Fred in the goal box. As the two of them tumbled to the ground, Brawl spat out the

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