problem?’ Jessie snapped at him.
‘I don’t have a problem,’ Jack replied sulkily as he continued to scan the crowd above Jessie’s head, rather than look directly at her.
‘No, of course you don’t have a problem,’ Jessie began sarcastically. ‘You’re just being surly, bad-tempered, and frowny for no reason whatsoever. Now what gives?’
Jack continued to avoid Jessie’s eye contact for a few moments more, until Jessie at last stilled his head with a kiss. It seemed to do the trick as his posture visibly relaxed and he looked at his girlfriend properly.
‘I missed you, that’s all,’ Jack said honestly. ‘But you clearly didn’t miss me at all. You looked like you were having a whale of a time.’
‘Oh my God. You’re jealous!’ Jessie exclaimed. She threw back her head and laughed.
‘Of who?’ Jack asked, looking lost.
‘Of Trey, of course.’
‘Of that Aussie wastrel? Don’t be so ridiculous,’ Jack replied, sounding slightly offended.
‘Don’t you trust me to talk to another man?’ Jessie asked seriously, all trace of her earlier smile now gone. ‘I would never cheat on you, surely you know that.’
Jack’s brow furrowed slightly as he considered her words. He fixed her with a pointed look. Although Jessie couldn’t read minds, she had a fair idea that he was thinking about his brother. Or more to the point, the fact that she’d ended up in bed with Charlie during the initial stages of her flirtation with Jack. Jessie had thought that was water under the bridge now, but perhaps she’d been wrong.
‘I trust you,’ Jack said simply, after an uncomfortable silence.
‘Good,’ Jessie said, smiling at him. ‘And if you must know, I missed you lots. And if you hadn’t scared the Aussie wastrel away with your evil looks, then he’d be able to tell you that practically all I talked about for the past half a day was you . Now let’s stop this silliness and get out of this bloody airport,’ Jessie said assertively as she continued on her way, keen to put this tiff behind them.
Jessie was in a daze as she watched the luggage carousel go round and round, becoming increasingly sparse with bags as they were gradually claimed by their owners. This wasn’t in the script. Jack and her weren’t supposed to move to a new country together, only to have a fight as soon as they stepped off the plane. It had only been a little disagreement, with Jack’s ego dented, but it had also revived the fundamental issue that had stopped them from being together when they’d first met: Jessie had spent years being secretly in love, or so she’d thought, with Charlie. Of course, that didn’t mean she still had feelings for him. She most definitely did not. Jessie didn’t want Charlie to have a recurring role in her relationship with Jack, and she sincerely hoped this wasn’t a precursor to future niggles and arguments between them.
‘I think that’s all the bags arrived,’ Jack said gently. ‘Are you sure your case isn’t here?’
‘No. I haven’t seen it,’ Jessie said, shaking herself from her daze and realising the horrid truth. Although she’d made it safe and sound to Hong Kong, her poor luggage hadn’t. That most definitely hadn’t been in the script. Jack had his bags, which was good, but it didn’t much help Jessie other than give her a few sleepwear options. And to top it all off, Jessie had completely ignored the one piece of useful advice her mother had ever given to her—to take some clean underwear and a change of clothes in her hand luggage. Jessie was furious with herself. Sometimes mothers really do know best.
‘I’m sure it’ll turn up in a few days,’ Jessie said, putting on a brave face, when all she really wanted to do was cry.
Jack gave her a hug.
‘Of course it will. And in the meantime we’ll do a bit of shopping and get you some basics. You’re welcome to wear anything of mine. And I do mean… anything,’ Jack added suggestively.
James Dobson, Kurt Bruner