thanks I guess,’ Jessie replied. ‘But if you think me wearing your boxer shorts is remotely sexy, then I’m afraid you’ll be sorely mistaken.’
‘I bet I won’t,’ Jack replied, giving her a sensual kiss before taking her by the hand and leading her off into the city. Well, to the direction of the taxi rank, at least.
Chapter 8
Jack didn’t know what had come over him. He’d never considered himself to be a jealous kind of guy in the past, but that had been before Jessie. Before he’d ever been in love. Seeing Jessie looking so comfortable and relaxed with that Australian bloke had ignited something primal within him, something that screamed possession. He knew he was being ridiculous, but it had still irked him that he’d spent practically the entire flight thinking about how much he was falling for her, whilst simultaneously, a matter of metres away, she’d no doubt been chatting gregariously away with some other guy who wasn’t him. And judging by the way the man had hugged Jessie goodbye, he’d clearly been lapping her up.
Jack especially didn’t like the way the Aussie guy had looked at Jessie. It had been blatantly obvious that he’d had designs on her. Jessie was far too unaware of her own attractiveness to think he was doing anything other than being friendly, but a man could see it. And a boyfriend could most definitely see it.
Things could very well have erupted into a humungous fight, if Jessie hadn’t calmed him down and made him see sense. Now, as they ventured into the city on the way to their serviced apartment, all he could think about was making up for the time they’d been apart. He had plenty of things in mind to celebrate their first official night together in Hong Kong—and none of them required the presence of Jessie’s luggage.
‘Oh my God, there’s the skyline!’ Jessie exclaimed as the iconic jagged skyscrapers of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island came into view out of the taxi’s windows.
‘You’ve seen them before,’ Jack pointed out, surprised at her reaction.
‘I know. But I’ve never seen them like this with you before. And I’m sorry, but I think I could see that view a hundred times and still be blown away by the sheer magnificence of it.’ Jessie smiled widely at Jack and grabbed his hand. There it was again. Despite the long flight, despite the grey cloudy weather and high humidity, there was Jessie’s indefatigable enthusiasm for everything right there in front of him.
‘Fair enough,’ Jack replied, smiling. He looked across at the view and tried to see things through Jessie’s eyes. She was right. It was spectacular. Years of living amongst these kinds of impressive buildings day in day out had desensitised him; he’d forgotten the awesomeness of the sheer scale and density of all the high-rises packed into such a relatively small strip of land.
‘How do you feel to be back?’ Jessie asked, tearing her eyes away from the view, which was looming larger and larger, to look at him.
‘Good,’ Jack replied, throwing her a crooked smile. ‘Weird, but good. Last time I was here things weren’t so good, but this is a going to be a new start for both of us.’
‘I’m so glad you feel that way.’ Jessie beamed brightly at him.
‘I do. And I’m excited to show you my favourite parts of Hong Kong. We never got to do that last time you were here. Let’s make the most of the time you have before you start work. We can have something of a honeymoon,’ Jack said enthusiastically. He was already making a mental list of things to do and places to visit. It was an exciting prospect to show her the sights and explore new things together.
‘I’d like that,’ Jessie replied, a little dreamily. They were now driving past the International Commerce Centre, and she was craning her neck awkwardly as she tried to see how high it actually was.
Jack couldn’t help smiling at her. There was something almost childish and innocent about her reaction. If