exactly how mortifying Cain’s situation is,” I replied with a smile.
Two hours later, Harry had signed several documents, had paid a small bond with his platinum credit card, and we had spent an agonizing hour sitting in a putrid foyer, watching a less than savory looking man pick his nose and a scantily clad hooker scream the injustice of having the fifty dollars she had received for a blow job confiscated. Cain’s offense was relatively harmless; he had taken a drunken dip in a nice warm fountain which just happened to be situated on private property. He would most likely pay a small fine and get away with a slap on the wrist. Not nearly embarrassing enough to warrant giving up Harry’s damning photo. The sound of a familiar voice from the hallway to our right caught my attention. I turned and blinked once, twice. My hand reached blindly for Harry as my eyes remained focused on the vision before me.
“Harry, I need your phone.” I whispered quickly. Harry brushed off my grabbing hands.
“Why, what’s wrong with your phone?” he grumbled.
“I left it at the hotel, and if you want me to make that picture of your lips on Jimmy’s ass disappear, you will give me your phone right now,” I hissed. Harry’s phone was immediately placed in my hand, and I quickly stood and flicked it to camera mode.
“Smile!” I sung loudly as Cain stepped from the dimly lit hallway and into the bright room. The shocked look on his face was priceless, but the sharp look of annoyance directed at Harry was even better. I tried really hard not to laugh, honestly I did. But I laughed, long and loud. Before me stood Cain, dressed up in a fox suit onesie, his hair disheveled, eyes screaming hangover and exhaustion. The police had failed to explain Cain’s state of attire during his inebriated swim.
“Let’s get out of here,” Cain grumbled as I handed Harry his phone.
“I will delete the ass kissing photo the moment that one reaches my email,” I murmured.
Harry was already busy sending Cain’s post arrest picture.
“Harry, if you don’t make her stop, I will, and it won’t be pretty!” Cain groused as we drove back to the hotel.
“You’re delusional if you think she’s going to listen to me.”
I was trying really hard not to laugh, but every time I glanced in Cain’s direction, the giggling would start again, and the giggling would lead to uncontrollable, almost pee-worthy laughter.
“I asked you not to tell her,” Cain mumbled angrily. He was pouting, tired, and humiliated, not unlike how I felt after my drunken hotel lock out last year. I smiled at the thought of just how great this payback was, along with thoughts of Cain in his fox onesie gracing the front of my holiday greeting cards this year.
“She owed you from Texas, and I had an ass kissing picture I needed to make disappear.”
I took a few deep calming breaths, forcing my laughter to abate. I was sitting in the back of the car, directly behind Harry. When I dragged my eyes off the passing scenery to look his way, I caught sight of Cain once more, and the giggling started all over again.
“That’s it!” Cain yelled as the car pulled to a stop for a set of traffic lights. Cain had no sooner jumped out of the car before he was climbing into the back with me. The look of determination on his eyes had me reaching for the release button on my seat belt. It sprang free, but before I had a chance to reach for the door handle, Cain had grabbed my arm. “Oh no you don’t.” He pulled me across the leather seats of the car while I tried to protest through my fit of laughter. The warmth of Cain’s body covered mine, then before I could manage to wiggle free, he was tickling me. I screamed loudly.
“Keep it down, kids. People are going to assume something fucked up is going down,” muttered Harry, using the electronic controls to roll my window up. “Or fucking up and down, if you catch my drift.” Cain used one hand to cover my mouth and the