Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4)

Read Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Stephen Allan
unintentionally casting several spells across the planet.
    The pain and torture had become too powerful for Typhos to fully understand what he was doing. But in brief moments, when the pain had subsided from unbearable to painful but tolerable, he saw what he could now do. A lightning bolt destroyed a vast swath of the forest down below, reducing a significant area to nothing but ash. To the south of the continent, a massive hurricane formed, whipping up winds strong enough to create tidal waves rising hundreds of feet that crashed into the continent, destroying all wildlife within a couple of miles of the coast. Lightning danced across the sky, and fires broke out in the fields.
    “Stop!” Typhos screamed, sure he would die.
    I pushed it too far. In my quest to kill those I hated, I ended up killing myself with greed being the suicidal weapon. I didn’t need it. I could’ve killed Celeste!
    Celeste! Cyrus!
    And Erda… I didn’t need this magic.
    The pain made it impossible for Typhos to breathe, and he began to feel lightheaded as he lost his senses. Gasping, he grabbed his mask and hurled it to the side, making it easier to breathe but disorienting him even further. The sky was just a sea of blackness with bright, unrefined splotches. He cursed Nubia for bringing him this much pain and began to lose consciousness.
    Was it… worth it? Adanus. Aida. Pagus. Everyone…
    His vision dimmed.
    But then, almost as if it had never happened, the pain stopped.
    Slowly, very slowly, Typhos’ vision returned. The storm above him raged no longer, and the hurricane to the south dissipated. The fires still burned, and the forest remained destroyed, but no further damage was delivered. Typhos had acquired control of his magic back, and he breathed slowly on the ground for several seconds to ensure a surprise second onslaught of magical energy would not come.
    He deliberately counted to sixty seconds before he even attempted to rise. Lying on his back, he rolled on his stomach, brought his knees forward, and stood.
    His legs felt wobbly, and he was sick. Seconds later, he vomited and came back down to his knees. He gagged and gasped for air. Is it… is the pain over?
    The acute torture had ended. Even after he vomited, it did not return, nor did it come during the expulsion. But the massive energy had taken its toll, and Typhos would need time to recover.
    But as he laid back down on the ground, he smiled with nefarious intent. He had survived the absorption of an entire planet’s power, and in doing so ensured that when he got Tapuya and Vostoka, he would be able to handle it better. Even in his weakened physical state, he still had immense powers. He concentrated and, with the planet aiding him, brought up to him two ursus. He killed them instantly and cooked them, supplying him all of the food he would need for the next several days.
    My power… it is no longer as dependent on my physical state as it was before. Or, if it is, it has become so great that when I am healthy, I can destroy anything.
    Anything at all…
    He searched inside himself. He recalled the power he had read about in Fargus’ tent. “Ultimus.” The power to ignore any elemental protection and destroy anything in the area—including the planet. His void spells distorted reality. His new spell could destroy it entirely.
    He did not yet have the power to call forth more creatures. That would require a heavy dose of red magic that he knew he could get at Tapuya. But that would have to wait. As long as the Orthrans don’t make it there first. And if they do, I will destroy the planet from afar. If they go for Vostoka, let them have it. I won’t need to heal when I have the power that I possess.
    He crawled slowly to the edge, overlooking the planet. For fun, he cast another lightning spell over the forest. It delivered such damage that it wiped out nearly a third of the trees that he could see.
    “Unlimited power,” he said. “The power to destroy those

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