Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4)

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Book: Read Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Stephen Allan
warehouse will have a room where we can analyze this stuff.”
    She gave a beat to make sure everyone understood, and then turned and marched to the warehouse. Cyrus turned to Crystil, who shrugged with an innocent smile. He turned back to see his father following his sister, and he groaned as he trotted ahead.
    “I swear Pop’s going to make her the emperor,” he mumbled to himself.
    He caught up to his sister moments later, who turned to him with a serious expression.
    “As soon as we’re done analyzing this data, we need to make plans to go to Vostoka.”
    “The ice planet?”
    Celeste nodded, picking up her pace.
    “But it’s so nice and warm here!” he said, trying to provide some levity. “I want to go to the beach instead. Why don’t we go to Tapuya where it’s tropical—”
    “After Vostoka,” Celeste said. “Work on Vostoka, and we’ll get a ‘vacation’ at Tapuya. That work for you?”
    “I mean, I don’t really like to work for my vacations, let’s be honest, I’m the son of an emperor and used to just traveling wherever I want.”
    Celeste looked at Cyrus with a serious expression and then paused to laugh. Cyrus maintained his overly serious face for hilarity’s sake, and Celeste continued to laugh, even as their father and Crystil passed by.
    “I’m going to teach you how to teleport when we get done with Tapuya so that you can get out of my hair some,” she said.
    “Oh, after? Wow, you make it difficult, Celeste,” Cyrus said, the two resuming their walk forward.
    “I mean, I would, but, you know, mission stuff, saving the universe, saving our brother.”
    “Yeah, right, saving our brother,” Cyrus snorted, without laughing.
    Celeste looked at him perturbed, but Cyrus refused to look back at her, knowing if he did, he would see her scar, remember who had delivered it, and anger would cloud his decision making and thought process even further. He’s the enemy, we kill him if we see him. Easy.
    The two walked in awkward silence for several more minutes as the warehouse came into view about a half mile out. Crystil and Emperor Orthran had gotten far enough ahead that Cyrus saw them walk in before he turned to Celeste.
    “So, Vostoka. What’s the plan?”
    “I need to get white magic from the planet. I know how to heal, but I’m not great at protecting. If I can learn some of that magic, then I can at least neutralize Typhos’ powers.”
    Wait, we’re going to destroy a world too?
    “I won’t blow up Vostoka the way Typhos did Nubia. I don’t need to. I just need some of its powers. There’ll be some impact on the planet, unfortunately. But if I don’t take something, well, Typhos will win. And I don’t think, based on my sensing, that there’s a whole lot of life out there.”
    “Humans, no?”
    “Maybe. I didn’t sense much. If there are humans there probably is just a small settlement, nothing more.”
    Cyrus shrugged. I’ll go wherever we need to go. I know what my role is. Support and protect her. She’s the only one who can defeat Typhos. I would just get in her way.
    Sucks. I want to be the hero and get the girl.
    Guess I’ll only get to do half of those goals.
    He smirked and refused to answer Celeste’s inquiry about his facial expression as the two walked inside the warehouse. Humans rapidly worked to assemble more weapons, having rebooted much of the machinery inside and collected the resources needed, but without the aid of the Kastori. Sparks flew from individual weapons, the ceiling stretched up several hundred feet, and numerous voices shouted. Cyrus wondered who had directed the humans toward a specific purpose, and then laughed when he figured it out.
    Crystil. Of course.
    He and his sister went into a small room in the middle of a wall in the plant. His sister grabbed all of the devices she had stored in her boot out, placing about four different pieces on a table in front of her. The first piece provided no information, seemingly damaged beyond

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