Bears' Claim [PUP Squad Alpha 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Bears' Claim [PUP Squad Alpha 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online

Book: Read Bears' Claim [PUP Squad Alpha 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online
Authors: Abby Blake
Tags: Romance
for certain is that your bear will recognize our bears and want to be with them. The human side, that’s where the free will comes into it.”
    “Whoa, back up a little. My bear?”
    “Sorry, I feel like I’ve known you so long that I should have already told you this. I suppose that’s the drawback of protecting you from afar. If I’d known a pixie was going to come after you, I can guarantee you would not have had to face that fear alone.”
    She gave him a lopsided grin and waited for him to realize that he still hadn’t answered her question.
    “Oh, right…You said you know about our healing gifts.” She nodded. She still wasn’t sure how, but she did know it was true. “Well if we use too much magic to heal someone there is a side effect—they become one of us. A bear-shifter. In cases where we find our mate is a different species we can use that magic to make you one of us, too.”
    “Wow. How old are you?”
    He looked surprised by her out-of-left-field question, but then grimaced as he said, “One hundred and four.”
    “That’s about thirty in comparable human years, yes?” She wasn’t sure where the information came from. Again it was just one of those things that she knew.
    He nodded. “Bear-shifters tend to live three or four human lifetimes so that would be pretty accurate.”
    “So if I become a bear-shifter we’ll grow old together.”
    “Absolutely,” he said, looking far more enthusiastic than he had a moment ago.
    “And if I decide to stay human?”
    He growled a sound of discontent but then seemed to realize that this was part of that free will he’d been talking about.
    “Then West and I will spend the rest of your life trying to make you happy.”
    “So, you’re okay with West being my mate as well?”
    “It was a shock. I won’t lie about that, but finding our mate is something to celebrate, even if it means we have to share.”
    “I can’t promise you any type of future just yet,” she said, trying to warn him that she had no idea where her life was headed, “but I’d like to explore the possibilities.”
    He pulled her onto his lap, hugging her close. She felt a fine tremor in his muscles as he lowered his mouth to cover hers. The touch was gentle, reverent, his lips brushing over hers again and again before his tongue traced lightly over her teeth and explored the dark recesses of her mouth. By the time he moved away, they were both panting for air.
    “Holy cow,” Eric said as he lifted her off his lap and onto her feet. “You better go talk to West before I throw you on the bed and forget everything except showing you how much you mean to me.”
    She shivered, the sensual promise sending heated lightning streaking up and down her spine. Her knees wobbled, and she wondered how on earth she’d make it all the way to the kitchen, but as she reached the doorway, another thought occurred to her. “Eric, when you said ‘share me,’ did you mean separately or both of you at the same time?”
    Eric just smiled. “Go talk to West.”

Chapter Four
    West lifted the forgotten cup to his lips and regretted it almost immediately. In his current state of mind there was just something really distasteful about cold coffee. He moved over to the sink and dumped the contents down the drain, but as he turned back to the coffeepot he found himself face-to-face with his beautiful mate.
    Except, it didn’t matter what his bear said, she belonged to his cousin, and West had every intention of doing the honorable thing by walking away.
    “Can we talk?”
    “Sure.” He steeled himself for the rejection he knew was about to come and hoped like hell she’d make it quick. He wasn’t one for drawn-out pain if he could avoid it.
    “I’m sorry that we didn’t meet under better circumstances.”
    “It’s all right, Hannah.” He resisted the urge to touch her face, pushing his hand firmly into the back pocket of his jeans instead. “You and Eric have known each other for a

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