Martha studied the distress that wrote on his face as he pleased to know Kimberly's were about. "If you're lucky enough, you'll find her at the airport this hour," said Martha and watching him speed off at the reception of the news.
He meandered through the still crowd, hopping from time to time as to fish out Kimberly from the crowd. "Excuse me sir, have you seen a woman..." She tried asking one of the passengers but he'd been busy walking his way as though no one was talking to him. "Excuse... Please excuse me sir..." No one gave a listening ear and the final shot went to the billboard where the flights are pasted. He studied all the flights to New York for the day and there was just one - the very first one of the day.
"Shit!" He gasped and raced to the check point and started to dance about, trying to see if he could see her anywhere ahead. A few people were startled for a moment and then, the murmurs in the hall became the more eminent.
"He's Willard Booth..." One of the men called out from the sidelines. He turned to the man who'd mentioned his name .
"Hello sir," he said hesitantly, looking at the police officers at their posts and then at the time of departure. "Are you flying to New York."
"Sure," said the man, feeling happy to be talking to someone as respectful as Willard. It was an honor for anyone who even saw him, Worse was, they'd never imagined seeing him in shorts and sounding so much confused.
"Please this is a matter of life and death," he said.
"What the hell you say?" One of the security officers asked, looking the more concerned at his behavior.
"Please I need just five minutes of your time," he said. "I will pay you for the time you will offer me to just go into the plane and talk to the love of my life please..."
"How much?" the uniform man asked boldly.
"How much do you charge?"
"Seven K!" said the man.
"Five!" Willard stamped.
"Deal!" Said the man. He led Willard, right inside the plane and once Kimberly saw him through the space blinded by a blue curtain and right before she could get up and leave, their eyes me.
"Baby wait!" He gasped, "Please listen to what I have to say and I will leave you to do whatever thing it is you want to do." He had gone down on his knees, searching through his pocket and bringing our a nice ring with a brilliant rock on the surface.
"What do you want," Kimberly bleated. The passengers had acted like the spectators of a stage play, they had shared their personal views to have a man kneel in front of a woman with a diamond ring, and yet, he is asking to be forgiven. One of the women on her row seemed confused about the whole show, "If what you did to this pretty black ebony here is bad than I can think of, man you better start crawling on your belly."
The rest of them jeered for Willard to take up the challenge and sleep for his woman.
"Baby please give me one more chance and I promise to tell you everything," he giggled within his throat even as he forced himself to speak.
"I don't want to know now..." Kimberly said.
"You heard the lady young man," said the woman.
"I never had a girlfriend if that's what you wanted to know," he started.
"Lies!" Kimberly retaliated vigorously.
"I always went to the brothels to get satisfied because I could court a woman... That's exactly how I knew this Joan and I'm sure most of you who're boarding this plane have slept with her..." Kimberly started to turn