throwback designs over the flats or other shoes that are popular nowadays. The only nod to my family's wealth was in my laptop, which was just a decked out MacBook Pro. It was expensive, but not exactly something you needed to be a one-percenter to have. Still, I used a plain blue backpack, in fact the same one I had in high school to carry it around.
Carrying my stuff downstairs, I heard Sebastian showering as I stepped out of my door. Heading downstairs, I dragged my mind away from the mental image of my sexy stepbrother and into the schedule I had for the rest of my day. After breakfast, my first class was at ten, a mandatory English class that really was a lot of fun. It was focused on speech making and composition, and since I plan on going into public relations, I kind of felt like it was right up my alley. After lunch, I had two more classes, neither of which were all that much fun but at least knocked out some of my undergraduate requirements. Trust me, I was so looking forward to next semester when I could really start taking classes that only focused on what I wanted to study.
I found Mom and Donald already sitting down at the dining room table when I came in. Donald was really one of those down-to-earth types in a lot of ways. I mean, the man has more money than I can even count. He still gets up every day to go down to his office, wearing a regular suit just like the rest of the managers and puts in an honest eight-hour day. I even got to watch him at work one time, a high school project connected with "Bring Our Daughters To Work Day." In my opinion, race car drivers probably have a more exciting job, but he definitely didn't sit around in his office shuffling papers and screwing off — the man worked.
"Morning guys," I said, sitting down in the chair next to Mom. The dining room table could handle a dozen people easily, so we only sat at one end except when Donald threw dinners for those he wanted to invite over. "What's for breakfast?"
"Chef made eggs, some lamb sausage, and fresh vegetable medley," Mom said with a grin. She had recently gotten on the Paleo Diet kick, and while our chef does do some wonders with spinach, meat, and eggs, I have to admit I sometimes snuck some bread or a peanut butter sandwich while I was at school. "Is Sebastian coming down?"
"Of course I am," Sebastian said behind me, coming down in just some basketball shorts and a tank top. "Forgive the casual clothes, but I don't have any classes until the afternoon. I think I'm going to have a workout after breakfast, then get ready to go."
"Have you heard from Harvard Law yet, son?" Donald asked, as he picked at his food. Donald had been going through a lot of stress lately, and it showed in his eating habits. He'd lost close to twenty pounds recently, and despite what the Hollywood types say, you can be too thin, but I'm not sure about too rich. "Old Man Carruthers was asking me the other day, and I honestly didn't know for sure."
"That's okay Dad," Sebastian replied. "To answer your question, though, no I haven't. But I was kind of thinking of staying closer to home. I mean, we've got a top flight law school right here in town, you know."
At Sebastian's words, my ears perked up. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? "Perhaps, but you know the family tradition is Harvard," Donald said wistfully. "The connections you make there could become very important."
"Dad, I know. Skull and Bones, the boy's club, all that jazz. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for the whole Harvard thing anyway. I mean, those connections were important back in your day, but in the Internet age, the new generation of movers and shakers are coming from a totally different background. I've got just as good a chance at making those connections here as I am at any of the Ivy League schools. And I'll be closer to home, which means I can start to learn the ropes. Besides, I think I fit in better here than I would living in Boston."
I wasn't sure how to take