already married. It is something
only men enjoy and women “put up with.” She believes most men just
“use” women, completely dismissing the fact that women have a sex
drive at all. Her most famous phrase is Go stick it in a light
socket! Supposedly she used that line on my dad a lot.
He left.
So why don’t I move out? Credit card debt.
College loan debt. A job at a hotel that pays $9.87 an hour, which
in Miami isn’t even enough to afford rent.
Isabella keeps asking me to be her roommate,
but I can’t live with roommates. I'd start to hate her. I had one
for a while at UMiami, but I ended up destroying our friendship. I
don't want that to happen with Isabella.
Plus Isabella lives on Miami Beach in an
ocean-view apartment with a balcony. She comes from money and
doesn’t understand those of us who don’t. Her answer to most things
is “Just take the money out of the account, that’s all.”
I so want to reach out and strangle her when
she says that and say, “That’s the problem, Isabella. There’s no
fucking money in the account! Don’t you get it?”
So, for now, I’m biding my time. Betting on
myself. Investing in myself.
Like that’s going to get me anywhere.
So tonight, after finishing dinner and
"ooohing" and "aaaaahing" over the dramatic turns in my mother's
favorite TV show Downton Abbey , I get up from the couch.
“Don’t you want to watch Mr.
Selfridge? ” my Mom says.
“No, one English costume drama a night is
enough for me,” I say.
“Are you saying you don’t like Downton
Abbey? ”
My mom just doesn't get it when others don't
think exactly like she does.
“No, mom, I’m not saying that at all. It’s
very well done.”
“But you don’t like it.”
Oooh, I hate that accusing tone. Like there's
something wrong with somebody if they don't like it.
“Well, it’s not something I would pick out at
Redbox," I say. "Have you ever seen Scandal ? I like
“Yes, but not for long," she says. "They take
the Lord's name in vain too much. And they all sleep with each
other. Tramps, all of them. I wish things were like they were back
in Downton Abbey days.”
“What, women at the beck and call of
“Well, a woman’s place is a woman’s
Don't go there, Annika. Just let it ride.
Keep your mouth shut and go to bed.
“Good night, Mom.”
“Good night dear. Love you.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
Oooh, I’m seething. I want to be free. I want
to enjoy my life. But I’m trapped. Trapped by bills. Trapped by
this house.
Shit, I really wish I hadn’t gone to college.
If I’m not going to be able to earn that money back, it’s hardly
worth it to pay it all back, isn’t it?
I climb into bed, listening to my mp3 player.
I have it on shuffle and on comes Darkest Day by Eon
Shit, I forgot about my new dildo. My mom
completely put my sex drive on hold. She has a tendency to do
But here now in my bed, with Damien Cage’s
powerful vocal cords gunning lyrics into my ear canal and heart,
I’m wet again.
In the dark, I sneak over to my portable file
to retrieve my reward.
Ah, come to mama.
I sneak it into the bathroom to wash it off,
then back to my bedroom. Surprised my mom didn't shout out "Is
everything all right?" like she does whenever I go to the bathroom
in the middle of the night.
I get under the covers, placing the big blue
monster on my belly.
I move it upward until the tip pokes out of
the top of the sheet.
So far, so good.
Then I let it come up to my mouth where I
lick and kiss it.
In my mind it becomes Damien Cage's cock.
Ding. Pussy activated. Faucet flowing.
Soon the big toy is in me, stretching and
filling me up with a big happy heft of rhythm.
I get into a good tempo, thrusting with my
left hand. With my right, I draw little circles on my hood.
"Annika," says my mom standing in the hallway
outside my room.
I freeze.
"Uh-huh," I say.
She proceeds to tell me about a scene from Mr. Selfridge , completely
James Dobson, Kurt Bruner