The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3)

Read The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Dana Michelle Burnett
    “I like the sound of that.”
    “I was getting ready to go to my new husband...The Pharaoh.”
    “The Pharaoh?”
    “Yes,” I said. “Tutankhamun, but it wasn’t Tutankhamun.”
    “Who was it?” Alex asked.
    “It was you,” I said quickly. “You were Tutankhamun.”
    “And you were Ankhesenamun?”
    “I guess,” I twisted my hands together and sighed, “Am I losing my mind?”
    He took me into his arms, “No of course not.”
    I snuggled against his skin, “I have no memory of myself at all, and then I have these dreams that make no sense.”
    “This isn’t the first one?”
    I shook my head, “No, I had one last night too, but you weren’t in it.”
    He kissed my forehead softly, “I’m sorry.”
    I let him kiss me and ease me back down onto the bed. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating.
    Alex stroked my back, “Perhaps there is another way for you to get answers.”
    “I’m willing to try anything.”
    “Okay,” he said as he stroked my hair. “Now try to get some sleep.”

Chapter Eight
    We walked the halls of the Luxor International Hospital. I clung to Alex’s hand as he seemed to know where he was going as we maneuvered through the busy halls. The doctors and nurses walked past us with barely a passing glance, but I eyed them all suspiciously.
    “Why are we here?” I asked.
    Alex took my hand and squeezed it tight, “We’re going to see a friend of mine.”
    “Another friend?”
    He smiled, “yeah, another friend. We went to college together.”
    “Back in America?” I asked as I dodged a nurse pushing a patient on a gurney.
    “Yes,” he said as he too backed up against the wall to let them pass.
    “Then won’t he just commit me?” I asked nervously.
    “No,” Alex said as he brought my hand up to his lips so he could kiss it. “He promised to keep all of this a secret.”
    I wanted to resist, but a quick touch of his lips on my skin weakened any resolve I had left. All I could do was follow along as he opened the door marked employees only, and pull me inside.
    A long, white, hall stretched out before us. I wanted to shrink back, but Alex pulled me along, past closed doors to the very end of the hall.
    There waiting, squatted a short, dark-haired man, with two day stubble clouding his pasty face. The man stood as we approached and pulled the earphones from his ears. I heard the final notes of whatever he was listening to before he shut off the sound.
    “So this is the famous Jane Doe?” He asked in a clipped British accent.
    Alex nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been calling her Senna.”
    “Of course you have,” this doctor – intern person said.
    His response didn’t seem to faze Alex at all. He simply laughed, “Senna this is, Dr. David Pearson, one of my oldest friends here in Egypt.”
    “I’m your only friend here.”
    “Almost,” Alex said with a smile. “No one else would put up with me as much as he has.”
    “Who says I put up with you?” He teased and continued looking me up and down, “You can call me David. So what’s your story?”
    “She showed up in the Valley,” Alex explained. “She has no idea what her name is or anything else.”
    David stepped up to me and took a small penlight from the pocket of his white coat and shined it into my eyes and then felt along the bruise on my head. “Can she not speak?”
    “I can speak,” I said as he did his quick examination
    “Good, we don’t have to worry about that then,” he said with the first genuine smile toward me. “She has a mild hematoma... Maybe a concussion. Do you remember hitting your head?”
    I shook my head, “No. I remember walking and my head hurt, but nothing before that.”
    David frowned, “Okay, let’s start with some tests.”
    Immediately I felt the fingers of panic moving up my spine. I looked over to Alex with eyes so wide they ached.
    Alex squeezed my hand, “It’s okay, I’ll be right there with you.”

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