The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3)

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Book: Read The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Dana Michelle Burnett
though I was still unsure, he seemed so sincere, I nodded. “Okay.”
    David clapped his hands together, “Let’s start with an x-ray.”
    Alex frowned, “Why an x-ray? Do you think she has a fracture? You said it was just a mild hematoma.”
    “She really needs an MRI, but we have to check for metal in her body first.”
    David motioned for us to follow him, leading us down a series of halls to radiology. He ushered us in the first room to the right. Switching a light on, he handed me a gown from a stack on the shelf and pointed to the screen.
    “You can change back there,” he said with a nod as he began setting things up.
    I let go Alex’s hand and stepped behind the white screen. I got undressed, wondering what the x-ray would show and how if I had ever broken any bones or metal in my body, Alex and David would know about it before I did.
    Slowly, I stepped out from behind the screen. David ordered me up on the table.
    “Just lie on your back with your arms at your side,” he said as he walked into the glass room over to the side were Alex stood waiting.
    I watched as he handed Alex a heavy blue vest and then pulled on one of his own.
    “All right Senna,” he said loudly. “I need you to take a deep breath and hold it.”
    I did as he asked, trying to I still as possible even though I felt chilled and exposed.
    “Okay,” he said loudly. “Give me a minute to make sure I got it.”
    I turned my head and looked at Alex. He smiled at me from the glass room. I tried to smile back, but all I could think about was how badly I wanted answers while still being afraid of what those answers might be.
    “Okay,” David said. “I got it.”
    Alex stepped out of the glass room and helped me set up on the table. He kissed my forehead and I wished I could just stop everything and freeze that moment.
    David cleared his throat as he came closer, “Okay, there’s no metal. So let’s get that MRI.”
    I gathered up my things and followed him out of that room and into another just a bit further down the hall. This room was more stark with the huge machine in the very center. David guided me over to it and told me to lie down on the thin bench.
    I tried not to panic as he fitted the cage of sorts around my head. He pushed a button and I slid headfirst into the capsule.
    “I know it’s tight,” David said. “Just try to be still.”
    I heard them both leave the room and then David’s voice echoed in a mechanical way through the machine.
    “Okay, we’re going to start now.”
    I heard some shuffling and then a few loud clicks on the line. I closed my eyes and tried to remain as still as possible. Suddenly through all the noise, I could hear David talking again, but this time it was to Alex, not me.
    “So what is it between you and this girl?” He asked
    “I don’t know,” Alex was muffled voice replied. “She’s just this lost person, but now and then I get this glimpse into who she really is and she is amazing.”
    “What do you think I’m going to find with all these tests?” David asked.
    “I don’t know.”
    “So why did you drag me into this?”
    “Because of last night,” Alex said solemnly. “She had a dream that sort of freaked me out.”
    “What was it?”
    I heard Alex sighed. It was a heavy, almost defeated sound.
    “She dreamed she was Ankhesenamun,” he said. “And I was Tutankhamun. I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it really got me.”
    David fell silent and all I could hear were the clicks and bangs of the machine. Finally, I heard Alex his voice cut through the noise.
    “What is it?” He asked.
    David cleared his throat, “Did I ever tell you why I chose to go in college in America?”
    “No,” Alex said. “I just thought it was something you wanted to do.”
    “I did,” David said. “But it was because I had to get away.”
    “Julie... She was the love of my life.”
    “What happened to her?” Alex asked.
    “She died,” David said. “She was

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