The Governess of Highland Hall
“Yes sir?”
    “Would you please look in on my cousins? Apparently, they aren’t feeling well, and I’d like to know if I should send for the doctor.”
    Mrs. Emmitt nodded. “Of course, sir. I’ll see to it right away.”
    “And would you also inform them Miss Foster has arrived and arrangea time for them to meet with her … before they go riding or engage in any other activities.”
    “Yes sir.” Mrs. Emmitt climbed the stairs, followed by Andrew, Millicent, and Ann, the nursery maid.
    He nodded to the governess. “Miss Foster, I’d like to introduce my sister, Miss Sarah Ramsey.”
    “Miss Foster and I met on our way down this morning.” Sarah turned to the governess with a warm smile. “We’re very grateful you’ve come to Highland. We hope you’ll be happy here.”
    “Thank you. I’m looking forward to getting to know the children and the young ladies.”
    At the mention of their cousins, Sarah’s smile faded. “I believe they will benefit greatly from the guidance of a governess.”
    “I hope I can encourage their love for learning and help them develop their character and gifts.”
    “Yes.” Sarah smiled at William and tucked her arm through his. “That’s exactly what they need, isn’t it?”
    William nodded. “Character development is key for anyone’s education.”
    Miss Foster looked up at him, and he couldn’t help noticing her soft blue eyes and the sweet openness of her expression. “Will there be anything else?” she asked.
    A warning flashed through him, and he broke his gaze. “No. That will be all.”


    Mrs. Emmitt strode down the first-floor hall, her mind spinning with all that needed to be done that morning. They were expecting a delivery from the grocer, and he would need to be paid. The gardener must be told to bring in fresh flowers for the dining room, and she had to speak to Lydia about her having held on to that note. But first she must check on Katherine and Penelope. She doubted the girls were truly ill. This was probably another example of Katherine’s silent rebellion.
    Ever since Sir William, Miss Ramsey, and the young children had arrived at Highland, Katherine had stubbornly resisted Sir William’s authority, and Penelope simply followed her sister into whatever mischief she created.
    She knocked on the elder sister’s door, then pushed it open without waiting for an invitation. The curtains were closed, but a faint light filtered through a slight gap in the middle. “Miss Katherine?”
    The girl rolled over on her bed and squinted up at her. “What … what do you want?”
    “Your note said you were ill. Sir William is concerned and asked me to look in on you.”
    Katherine tossed the blankets aside. “Why would he do that? I doubt he truly cares.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and slowly sat up.
    “Shall we send for the doctor?”
    “Of course not. I’m perfectly fine … I’m just extremely tired of my stuffy cousin ordering me out of bed at an ungodly hour.”
    The housekeeper held back her frown. “I’m sorry, miss, but Sir Williambelieves the family and staff should be present for Scripture reading and prayer.”
    “Well, I won’t be ordered around like some feeble-minded servant.”
    Mrs. Emmitt stifled a gasp. Ungrateful girl! How could she say such things? She had always been fond of Katherine, but her behavior these last few months was stretching that fondness to the limit.
    Katherine’s haughty expression faltered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” She walked to the dressing table and picked up her hairbrush. “It’s just not right for him to come here and change everything. He’s not my father, and he shouldn’t try to take on that role.”
    “I don’t believe that is Sir William’s intention.” Katherine’s father, Sir Randolph, had been a kind man and always fair to his staff, though they all knew he gave too much time and attention to shooting and fishing and not enough to

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