The Governess of Highland Hall
story while I fix your hair.”
    Millicent held out her hand to Julia. That simple offer of trust warmed Julia’s heart. She grasped the girl’s hand and led her to the dressing table.
    Fifteen minutes later the children stood by the door, neatly dressed, hair combed, and ready to go downstairs.
    “There now, you look very nice.” Ann straightened Andrew’s jacket and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
    Julia nodded her approval. “Andrew, since this is my first day, I’d like you to escort me downstairs and show me how everything is done.”
    The boy’s face brightened. “All right. I can do that.”
    Julia took his arm, and he led the way out of the nursery and down the hall.
    A young woman met them in the gallery. She wore a dark blue dress with little adornment, but it looked well made of expensive material. Her dark brown hair was pulled up in a simple style. Kindness flowed from her brown eyes. She sent Julia a shy smile and slipped both hands behind her back. “Good morning. I’m Sarah Ramsey, William’s sister.”
    “This is our new governess, Miss …” Andrew looked up at Julia.
    Julia smiled and gave her name. “I’m happy to meet you, Miss Ramsey.”
    “Oh, please, call me Sarah.”
    Julia nodded. “As you wish.”
    The sound of conversation in the great hall on the floor below drew Julia’s attention and she glanced over the banister.
    “We had better go down,” Sarah said. “My brother likes everyone present at nine o’clock.”
    Andrew tugged Julia toward the stairs.
    She held him back. “When a gentleman walks with a lady, he keeps her pace in mind, especially indoors.” She spoke to him in a low, gentle tone so no one else could hear.
    He nodded and walked slowly, looking like a perfect little gentleman.
    Sir William stood by the large marble fireplace in the great hall, watching them descend the stairs, his expression unreadable.
    At the bottom, Julia hesitated. Should she stand with the servants, who waited on one side of the hall opposite Sir William, or should she join him?
    Sarah leaned closer. “Your place is with the children.”
    Julia nodded her thanks and followed Sarah, Millicent, and Andrew toward the fireplace. Sarah walked with a slight limp, and Julia wondered if she had suffered an injury.
    Across the hall the servants lined up in what appeared to be the order of their rank. At the head of the line stood Mr. Lawrence, the butler, then Mrs. Emmitt, the housekeeper. Next to her stood the French chef she’d seen working in the kitchen, wearing a white chef’s coat and dark trousers, then two tall footmen dressed in formal livery. Next came five maids, including Lydia, the young woman she’d met when she first arrived at Highland for her interview. Lydia sent Julia a slight nod and smile. Three young kitchen maids, who looked like they were no older than fourteen or fifteen, came next. The gardener, who had directed her to the back door yesterday, and his two young assistants held their caps in their hands as they waited at the end of the line.
    It was a large staff, and she imagined there were many others who worked for Sir William outdoors, managing his horses, cows, sheep, orchards, and crops. That was quite a responsibility to oversee so many people and such a large estate.
    She glanced at Sir William, noting the lines of strain around his eyes and the stiffness of his posture. Once again she pondered how wealth and possessions didn’t guarantee a carefree life. She must pray for him and do all she could to ease his concern for his children.

    William pulled his watch from his vest pocket and scowled when he saw the time. He did not intend to wait all morning for his two young cousins to appear. On the opposite side of the great hall his butler, Lawrence, met his gaze. He glanced toward the staircase with a question in his eyes.
    William blew out a breath and tried to restrain his growing irritation. “Mrs. Emmitt, do you know why Miss Katherine and Miss Penelope

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