Cool Campers

Read Cool Campers for Free Online

Book: Read Cool Campers for Free Online
Authors: Mike Knudson
the door, Tiny stood and climbed to his top bunk. “I just need to grab my nose plug. I think I left it up here.”
    â€œOh, man,” Graham huffed. “We’re never going to get out of here.”
    â€œHere it is. Let’s go!” Tiny said. Then, before I could move, Tiny came flying off of the top bunk and landed right on my foot.
    â€œYeow!” I screamed. I fell to the floor and grabbed my foot.
    Tiny bent down and held his hand out to help me up.
    â€œSorry, Raymond,” he said. “Are you okay?”
    I wanted to say, “Of course I’m not okay—you just landed on me,” but I knew it wasn’t his fault. He probably couldn’t see my foot from up there.
    â€œYeah, I’m fine.” I grabbed his hand and tried to stand up. The pain was awful. I hobbled around the room a bit, trying to “walk it off,” as my baseball coach always said when someone got hit by a ball. Once some kid accidentally let go of the bat after he swung, and it hit our friend Carlos in the leg. He fell down and started to cry. I thought he should have gone to the doctor, but Coach just told him to “walk it off.”
    I tried to walk this off, but I could barely walk at all.
    â€œToo bad you’re not a baby spider,” BB said, pushing his glasses higher onto his nose. “They grow new legs if one gets smashed or pulled off.” I looked at BB and thought that I was really happy I wasn’t a baby spider.
    Tiny felt so bad that he even offered to give me a piggyback ride to the lake. It didn’t seem like a bad idea. But after a minute or two, he got really out of breath, so Graham and I slowly walked the rest of the way while the others went ahead.
    By the time we got down to the dock, my foot was feeling better. Tiny had just finished his swim test, and the lifeguard signaled for BB to jump in.
    â€œWhoa, look at him go. BB’s like a fish,” I said. That kid could really swim. He finished his laps in no time at all.
    Graham handed me his glasses. It was his turn. He jumped in and screamed, “It’s freezing!” He swam much slower than BB, but finished just fine. After he got out, the lifeguard checked Graham’s name off on a pad of paper and then pointed his pen at me.
    â€œAll right, you’re up. Remember, the first lap is a forward crawl, and then you can swim the other two laps using any stroke.”
    Graham gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Good luck. It’s a little chilly in there.” I wasn’t too nervous. I took swimming lessons when I was in first grade, and I was one of the best swimmers in my class.
    â€œCannonball!” I jumped in and splashed everyone. Graham was right, it was freezing. And each time I kicked, my foot would hurt. I stopped for a moment to rest my foot after my first lap.

    â€œAre you okay in there?” the lifeguard asked. “Do you need to stop?”
    â€œNo, I’m all right.” I started again, but with every kick it hurt even more. I took one more quick break and then finished and pulled myself out. The lifeguard called me over. He told me that he couldn’t check me off because I stopped twice.
    â€œWhat? I didn’t stop because I couldn’t make it. I stopped because my foot hurt. I’ll bet I could swim ten laps if my toes weren’t smashed. I’m probably the best swimmer in my patrol!”
    â€œI’m sorry,” he said. “It’s for your own safety. If your foot feels better you can try again tomorrow. Until then you can still play in the lake. You just have to stay in that area over there.” He pointed to a small little roped-off place by the shore.
    â€œOh man. This stinks,” I said.
    Graham heard the whole thing. “At least you can still go into the water. Let’s go check it out.” We walked over to the roped-off area.
    â€œYeah, it’s not so bad,” I said. “Last one in is a rotten

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