Only Pretend

Read Only Pretend for Free Online

Book: Read Only Pretend for Free Online
Authors: Nora Flite
way. I'll put these photos up, and once an interested party comes along, they'll be the ones to decide what sort of advanced training you'll need."
    The back of my neck was stiff. "Training?"
    He didn't hide the perverse delight in his sneer. "I run all future brides through much of the same training, preparing you for the basics. However... some men have other expectations out of their wives. When I find out what those are, you'll learn, too."
    Hugging myself, I sought out comfort. I couldn't give myself any. Training. What will he do to me? Ignorance was best, I clung to it. "You can't do this," I croaked. "Someone... someone will report me missing, someone will find me!" Where am I? I don't even know.
    His shade slid over me, left me colder. "Oh, Celeste. We both know that isn't true." Too sweetly, he pet my hair, felt me trembling. "No parents, no friends, no boyfriend. You told me yourself, didn't you? You had no clue where you were going to end up after your ex left you." Warm lips touched my forehead; I wanted to vomit. "I've saved you. You'll have a place, now. In time, you'll thank me for all of this."
    Looking up, I didn't hide the resent boiling in my blue eyes. "I'll never thank you."
    He wore a mask of pity. "You will. They always do."
    L eonide left me in my heels and lingerie, bound my wrists with cuffs he'd kept disturbingly within reach in his pockets. In the hallway, I caught my first real look at the place I was in. It was dark, echoing halls with smooth wooden floors. I knew we were on some high floor, I spotted the bannister running alongside us. For a terrible second, I debated jumping. For better or worse, I was too much of a coward.
    Death frightened me.
    The walk was short, but by the end, I was sure I was in a house. A big one, but still a house of some kind. I had no clue how Leonide had gotten me from the hotel, or how long I'd been unconscious before arriving here—wherever here was.
    Shoving me through a plain looking door, he shut it behind us. "This should do for now."
    Do for now. Turning in place, I observed the cramped room with its pale walls. There was a simple bed in the corner, a toilet partially hidden behind a roll-away curtain. It was as drab as it could be, yet somehow, because it was so fitting for the situation, it made me feel better. Everything about Leonide—his sugary smiles, warm voice, that fucking scent—had left me unsettled when juxtaposed with his actions.
    I'm a slave, no matter what he says. This is a room for a slave. Finding comfort in the bluntness of it was fine.
    His presence crept behind me, fingers touching my wrists at the base of my spine. "Would you like the cuffs off?" Warily, I bobbed my head. Leonide rubbed a finger over my inner arm, lifting tiny hairs on end. "Say please."
    Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt a rush of pride.
    "Such a spoiled girl," he chuckled. "You think it matters, choosing not to answer me? Is that a 'win' for you, Celeste?"
    I remained silent.
    Sighing dramatically, he released me. The relief was brief, his hands coming around to cup my stomach. At this familiar touch, I stood rod straight. "Such a proud girl. When you came all over my fingers, I thought you'd be easier than this."
    Heat surged from my throat to my forehead. I was baking in my humiliation, wishing I could erase or change the fact that I'd allowed Leonide so close to me. Gently, he smoothed his palms upwards, tracing just outside my breasts. Behind me, I felt his body nudge closer. The hard shape of his erection was obvious.
    "You said you weren't a virgin," he whispered on the nape of my neck. Already I was rousing, heart thumping. "I assumed you liked to fuck. Was I wrong? Do you not get turned on when you feel how hard you get a man?" Rocking his hips, he slid his hidden cock against my ass cheeks.
    It took me biting the inside of my cheek to swaddle my moan. No. No, I'm not like that! Jones hadn't been my first, but he'd been close to it. Yet, I'd never felt

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