Only Pretend

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Book: Read Only Pretend for Free Online
Authors: Nora Flite
    Stunned, I stared at the door, expecting him to return. I'd done what he'd asked! I'd done it all, so why would he leave me trussed up?
    It was more than that.
    He left me on the fucking edge. Closing my eyes, I crinkled my nose and growled my grievance. What does he want from me? What is he doing to me? I didn't get it, how easily he made me respond. Rolling my hips, I wished for the empty, desperate ache to leave my lower belly.
    Yanking at my wrists, kicking my feet, I screamed till my throat shredded. He'd fucked me up somehow, he had to have. What else could it be? I never imagined myself like this, ass burning and pussy twitching while I ground against the edge of a mattress. Worse, it was no use; it wasn't enough to get me off.
    Breathing heavily, I looked again at the door. I hate him. I hate him so much. Tears wore me down, salt stinging. I was too exhausted by everything.
    It wasn't a comfortable position, but my body sought sleep like a starving man chased food. I wondered, as my consciousness slipped away, if this was as bad as things would get.
    He'd made it clear it was just the start. I wished ignorance could be my armor.
    But I'd told him already.
    I wasn't stupid.

- Chapter Three -
    S harp pain in my bladder awoke me. Tears had dried on my cheek, stained the bed. Sourness invaded my mouth. All at once I needed to get rid of water and craved it tirelessly.
    Rocking on the bed, I fought to stand. It took forever, my shoulders tearing in their sockets while I bent at all angles. Finally I was on my back, the edge of the bed a prop to get me on my feet.
    The heels were still there. Ever my own enemy, my body gave out; legs withering. Shouting pitifully, I tumbled to the hard floor. The coolness was welcome on my forehead, so there was that.
    I'd never felt so defeated. All I wanted was a basic right, the ability to use a fucking toilet and relieve myself. Grunting, my joints vibrated as I sat back on my knees. The tiny cut from the light bulb throbbed distantly.
    Looking at the small toilet, I steeled myself. First, I tried to kick the shoes off. The straps around my ankles were tight, making it impossible. Fine. I can deal with this. Flaring my nostrils, I ignored the cramping in my calves and swung upwards. I was close to falling, miraculously managed to stabilize.
    It was a small victory.
    Inching towards the toilet, I sat down heavily. The curtain offered scant protection, but right then, I was focused on just figuring out how to piss without getting it all over my underwear. Leaning forward, pushing my arms to the limit, I tried to inch the panties down. Fuck, this is awful! Closing my eyes, I banished a hot wave of anger. I was hurting, suffering more than anyone ever needed to.
    The sound of the door slamming stole my air.
    Leonide walked in, spotting me where I sat. His laugh was cruel, reaching his onyx eyes. "Oh, poor girl. You look like you need some help."
    My former rage became chilling humiliation. Strolling to me, he stood in front and lifted an eyebrow. "You really should have obeyed me yesterday when I first asked. Now look at you." Shaking his head, he folded his arms across his broad chest. "Let's see if you learned anything. Would you like me to help?"
    Sucking the back of my teeth, I stared past his shoulder. Looking him in the eye was wrecking my courage. "Yes," I mumbled. "Please... sir." I loathed myself as much as I loathed him.
    Smirking sideways, he hoisted me up under my armpits. With no warning, he ripped my panties down my legs. Finally, he removed the cuffs. "There," he said flatly. "Now go."
    It was comforting that he turned away, pushing the curtain forward to hide me. It wasn't real privacy; it would have to do. Cleaning up, I fit my underwear back into place to make myself decent. The sight of my free hands, my sharp heels, gave me pause. Could I do it? Leonide was behind the curtain, facing away as he waited. If I'm fast.
    I just had to

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