Bases Loaded

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Book: Read Bases Loaded for Free Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
getting my feel of her lips I pulled away to look at her beautiful brown eyes.
    “I’m going to get a divorce. I’m going to see a lawyer. We will be together. You will be my wife and you will have my children.” She was looking at me, assessing me. Her mouth was slightly open but I still had a firm grip on her neck. “Okay.”
    I rolled her flat on her back and rotated on top of her. I spread her legs and hunched in between them. My hand drifted in between her legs and right to her juicy pussy lips. I opened her lips with my thumb and forefinger. I was looking for something.
    “Mason, stop. Don’t do that. Leave the string alone.”
    “Shhhhhh, be quiet.”
    I don’t know what time Kari left me but I woke alone in the hotel room bed. I rubbed my eyes and checked the bedside table for my cellphone. I had missed calls from Tess. I had text messages from Tess. The last text was ten minutes ago. So that means she is still alive. She hasn’t killed herself. The god’s are smiling down on me. Maybe I can get out of this marriage with both my balls.
    I called my sister to check on my kids. Everything was cool. She dropped Tim and Hannah off at school. Apparently Tess didn’t feel the need to harass my sister like she did me. I have always thought that Tess was afraid of my sister. I’m not sure why . Tess and Karen are definitely nothing alike.
    I was going to go to work and act like nothing happened. Business is business. I had to go home and grab some fresh clothes. This visit to the hotel wasn’t planned so I didn’t bring anything with me. I guess I could have just spent the night at the office but that raises a lot of questions. I hate having to explain myself. I hate that Mike and RJ look up to me. I may be a stand-up guy to some but I’m an asshole to others.
    I checked out of the hotel and drove home. On the way there Tess called me. I didn’t answer. I would be home soon. Home, I’m starting to hate that place. I built it but it no longer feels like a home. It feels like a haunted house. Me and Tess are ghosts roaming around with no absolutely connection. We’re just haunting each other. I never in a million years thought my marriage would fail. I never imagined I would even be thinking of divorce. I succeed in everything I do. Failure is for fuck ups and I’m not a fuck up. Bullshit, I am a fuck up. 
    I put my key in the door and braced myself for the unknown. Tess was not downstairs. I surveyed every room, even the downsta irs bathroom. There was no Tess. I walked up the back staircase taking two steps at a time. It was so quiet in the house I could hear myself breathing.
    When I got to the bedroom I saw Tess. She was lying in bed with the remote control in one hand and her cellphone in the other. She wasn’t bleeding, gasping for air or dying from what I could tell.
    Her eyes grew large when she noticed me enter.
    “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you since yesterday.”
    “I went for a drive and th en got a room at a hotel.” I walked over to the dresser and removed clean boxers, socks and a sleeveless tee.
    “I was worried. Why would you do that?”
    “Do what?”
    “Leave without a word. I’m still your wife.”
    Oh god, please not for long. That was a mean thing to think. “I didn’t give it any thought. I just needed time alone.”
    “Or did you need time with her?”
    I decided to ignore the question.
    “Mason I know you hear me. Were you with Kari?”
    “I hear you. I’m just not answering stupid questions today. I’m getting my clothes and getting dressed for work.”
    “You’re going to work? You’re going to just act like nothing happened?”
    “Yes, I’m going to work. It would be impossible to act like nothing has happened. You should enjoy this time alone without the kids. Go pamper yourself, go to the hair salon or get your nails done. Go to a spa. Relax.” I was saying random things and I was not at all sure why I was saying

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