Take My Hand

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Book: Read Take My Hand for Free Online
Authors: Nicola Haken
Then I’ll call you in the week.” A genuine smile erupted across
Jared’s face, causing small lines to form around his playful eyes. I teased my
phone from my bag and handed it over. Then Jared used it to call his own phone
and tapped his name alongside it. “There. Now you’ve got mine too.” He winked
at me, injecting my belly with waves of nerves. What did he mean? Why did I
need his number? Did he expect me to call him first? Was it so I
recognised his number when he called?
    Dear God, I had some serious learning to do
on the social front.
    I rang myself a taxi before popping my phone
back in my bag and then after accompanying Jared to the counter to pay for our
pizza, he walked me outside to wait for it. Then came the moment I’d been
dreading. He positioned his feet so he was just centimetres apart from me and a
confident smile tickled the edges of his lips. I knew what was coming even
before he leaned down to my level.
    “Thanks for a
great time,” he whispered, and then I felt a slight breeze across my face as
his lips made their way to mine. Quickly and instinctively I jerked my head to
the side and his kiss landed on my cheek which was now on fire. When he pulled
himself away he looked almost pleased with himself – not even a bit
offended by my kneejerk reaction to his touch. I smiled bashfully but inside I
was yelling for the taxi to hurry the hell up. Immediately, yet a lifetime
later, my taxi slowed to a stop as it mounted the curb slightly. “I’ll call
    Within seconds I was strapped inside the back
of the car breathing for the first time in ten minutes. Thank God that was
over. Bring on round two.

Chapter Five

    “ Don’t ,” I
ordered firmly when Jared came into view outside his apartment block. The shit
was laughing at me and I seriously wanted to punch him in the face. The
rational part of me knew I too would find it amusing if I caught sight
of him looking like a drowned rat with his entire life’s belongings
rolled into a soggy heap by his feet. But it wasn’t him. It was me. And I was pissed
off to the max.
    After managing to compose himself just long
enough to pull his keys from his pocket, Jared buzzed us inside and led me up
to the twelfth floor of the fancier than anticipated building. I’d never been
to Jared’s before. He’d been to my place a couple of times but that was
uninvited and unannounced so I didn’t really get much choice in the matter.
    Compared to Jared’s apartment, I live in a
cesspool. Everywhere is chrome and black granite with white leather furnishings
and glossy black gadgets everywhere – the ultimate bachelor pad. I’m
guessing his rich daddy had more than a little to do with it.
    “Nice place,” I stated, absorbing my
    “Cheers, mate. The girls think so too.” He
winked at me and I gave him my best revolted glare.
    “Dude, you fucking flirting with me or
    “In your dreams, pal. Look it’s only a one-bed,
but the couch is pretty comfortable. I’ve spent many a night on there when I’ve
been too wasted to be arsed hauling my butt off to bed. You can use it for as
long as you like.” Jared’s a good guy. I’ve only known him a month or so but I
knew almost straight away he was the kind to get your back if you need it.
    “Thanks, man. The landlord thinks it’s gonna
take three or four weeks, but I’m still hoping it’ll be sooner. The place is
ruined.” I’d been out for a run and when I came home I was met with a tsunami
of freezing cold water spurting in every direction. I don’t own much but
everything I do is absolutely drenched – including myself. The whole
place needs re-plumbing and in the meantime it’s uninhabitable which means I’m
effectively homeless. “And of course I’ll match the rent I was paying on my
place. My tenancy’s on hold till it’s all sorted so

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