The Governess of Highland Hall
have not come down?”
    “No sir. I’m sorry. I do not. I’ve been a bit preoccupied this morning.” She narrowed her gaze at the new governess who stood beside William with his children and his sister. The housekeeper turned to one of the maids. “Lydia, did you wake the young ladies this morning?”
    She bobbed a quick curtsy. “Yes ma’am. Miss Katherine sent this note.”
    A ripple of surprise crossed the servants’ faces as the maid took the note from her apron pocket and passed it to Mrs. Emmitt. Lawrence cleared his throat and flashed a warning glance down the row. The servants all lowered their gazes to the floor.
    Mrs. Emmitt snatched the note from Lydia’s hand. “Next time you will give me any messages immediately.”
    “Yes ma’am.” The maid’s lower lip quivered, and she dropped her gaze.
    Mrs. Emmitt walked across and handed the note to William. “I’m sorry, sir.” She softened her tone. “Lydia is new and just getting used to the way we do things at Highland.”
    “I’m sure she meant no harm.” He took the note and unfolded it.
Dear Cousin William ,
We are not feeling well. Please excuse us for not coming down this morning .
Your cousins, Katherine and Penelope
    Heat surged into his chest. “ Not well, ” my eye! They’ll be perfectly fine by the time they want to go riding or call on a friend this afternoon . He stuffed the note in his pocket. This would not do. Morning Scripture reading and prayer were not optional. Everyone needed to fall in line, even his young cousins.
    He looked up and straightened his shoulders. “Very well, let’s begin. This morning, before I read our passage of Scripture, I would like to introduce our new governess, Miss Julia Foster.” He nodded toward her.
    Her soft blue eyes lit up, and a slight smile tucked in the corners of her mouth.
    An unsettling awareness traveled through him. He shook it off and shifted his gaze away. “She is originally from Fulton but has recently returned from India, where she and her family were engaged in mission work. She will be overseeing the education of the children and the young ladies.”
    Andrew squirmed on his left, and William placed a firm hand on the boy’s shoulder. Andrew stilled and looked up. William squeezed his son’sshoulder, hoping to press in the point. “I expect you all to cooperate with her and give her the respect due her position.”
    Nelson, the first footman, looked Miss Foster over with a slight smile and an unmistakable gleam in his eye.
    William frowned and made a mental note to speak to Lawrence about it. Relationships between the staff were discouraged, and he would not put up with any of the men bothering Miss Foster.
    He cleared his throat and opened his Bible. “This morning our passage comes from Galatians, chapter five, verses thirteen and fourteen. ‘For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ ”
    He closed the Bible and waited a moment, hoping the words would sink into his servants’ minds. “Let us pray. O gracious heavenly Father, help us guard our hearts and minds from sinful thoughts and actions, and remind us of our responsibilities to diligently serve others and love our neighbor.” Someone snickered, and he looked up.
    Nelson grinned at one of the young kitchen maids, and she returned a shy smile.
    William narrowed his gaze at them. They immediately sobered and looked down. He paused a second more, then added, “We ask You to watch over our household, keep us safe from harm, and lead us in the way everlasting. Amen.”
    Lawrence nodded to the row of servants, dismissing them.
    William tucked the Bible under his arm. “Miss Foster, will you wait a moment, please?”
    She looked up. “Yes sir.”
    “Mrs. Emmitt,” William called.
    The housekeeper stopped at the foot of the stairs.

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