The Gemini Divergence
was still getting familiar with his
new job at Peenemunde, so he was still not entirely certain exactly
what he was supposed to be doing at the present time.
    He was shuffling through the papers that had
been scattered all over his desk, looking for the task list given
to him by his new supervisor.
    Otmar Volmer was an extremely intelligent
scientist, but very scatter brained. He was a very quick thinker,
but again… organization was not his greatest skill. Even in school,
professors would often scold him for his lack of clerical ability,
but his talent had always made up for it. He had never had a
problem finding work because his reputation for solving huge
technical problems was unblemished.
    He knew not, what happened at his old place
of work, or about the fate of his former coworkers. He also had no
idea of the immense importance of the papers that he had tucked
away in his satchel that lay on top of one of many piles of paper
on his desk; or about the major that was supposed to dispatch him
and everyone around him, but for some reason had not.
    He had merely made those duplicates so that
he could show his past experience and skill level to his new
    Now that he was already employed, and trying
to figure out what he was supposed to be doing, he had little
regard for them. So they lay, for at this moment, forgotten.
    His new supervisor approached him as he was
rifling through his papers, “Herr Volmer, I came to tell you that
Herr Von Braun is anxious to talk with you about problems that they
have been having with data from sensors onboard the rockets getting
back to the controllers. They need to drastically reduce the
propagation delay to get it as close to real time as technically
possible. Dr. Von Braun has heard of the work that you have done on
remotely controlling the Schriewer prototypes and wonders if you
can do something similar to help him here.”
    Volmer looked up from his search. His eyes
looked enormous through his thick glasses.
    He pushed the glasses all the way up his nose
and asked, “Is he waiting to see me this instant?”
    His supervisor chuckled as he answered, “No,
but why don’t you get with Herr Von Braun’s secretary to arrange a
suitable time for the both of you.”
    “Yes sir, I will do that right away,” said
Volmer. Then he asked, “Where exactly is Herr Von Braun’s office
    Herr Volmer’s new supervisor was already
weary of his lack of organization. He sighed and said, “It is
clearly labeled on the map of the facilities that I supplied
    Otmar just looked down at the mess on his
desk and said, “Oh, yes sir, I’ll get right on that,” as he again
started pilfering through his clutter.

    The Big War
/ The Second Meeting
    As the front door of Von Sterbenbach’s castle
opened, the bright daylight sun reflecting from the fallen snow
cascaded through the open door.
    From the spectacle of natural light entered a
dark and forbidding silhouette. Once the figure had advanced a few
steps, the same well prepared sergeant that had been waiting in the
Foyer before, then recognized Schwerig as he walked closer.
    “Ah. Major Schwerig,” The sergeant
proclaimed. “The General has been expecting you… of course.”
    The sergeant continued as he rose and walked
towards the meeting room door, “Since all of the same members are
to be in attendance today as were in your last meeting, the
arrangements are to be the same as well. Is there anything that I
may get for you before you enter sir?”
    Schwerig smiled, impressed again by the
sergeant’s demeanor and said, “No thank you sergeant, but thank you
for asking.”
    Schwerig continued to smile but made a slight
gesture with his eyes toward the meeting room door, letting the
sergeant know that he intended to enter now.
    At that the sergeant turned to Schwerig and
clicked his heels as he snapped to attention and gave a long arm
salute. Once Schwerig returned the salute, less

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