The Princess & the Pea

Read The Princess & the Pea for Free Online

Book: Read The Princess & the Pea for Free Online
Authors: Victoria Alexander
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Demonoid Upload 3
anticipation. Perhaps this was indeed a folly. Perhaps she should get out now while there was still time. Perhaps ... it was already too late.
    With a roar, the machine sprang to life. Jared skillfully manipulated three metal tillers that rose from the floor between his long legs. The vehicle lurched forward and out through the stable doors.
    The noise was unbelievable, the ride jolting and, except for the inadvertent contact of his body with hers, distinctly uncomfortable. Cece gritted her teeth. A lesser woman would no doubt be cowering in terror by this time. She was made of sterner stuff and determined to show no fear and enjoy the frightful ride.
    "How do you like it?" Jared's yell was barely audible above the clamor of the machine.
    "It's lovely," she screamed.
    He nodded and smiled.
    After a few moments the automobile settled into an even gait. The ride smoothed and Cece relaxed enough to survey the scenery. They were on an overgrown country lane not substantially more than a footpath. On one side, a meadow fell away in a gentle downward slope. At the bottom, a charming pond glittered like a sapphire in a lush, green setting. It was a lovely, bucolic scene, pastoral and peaceful. And best of all, for the first time in her life, Cece saw it without having to peer around the backside of a horse.
    Exhilaration filled her. "This is wonderful!"
    Jared grinned. "Do you want to try it?" he yelled.
    "Buy it?" What on earth did he mean? Of course she didn't want to buy this thing.
    "No, no." He shook his head violently and bellowed. "I said try it. Drive it. Do you want to drive?"
    "Hive? What hive?" She glanced about quickly. Why was he talking about bees? She didn't see any hives.
    He pulled his brows together and shook his head again. "Put your hands here."
    She strained to catch his words. "Where?"
    "Here." He patted the middle lever. "On this tiller."
    She tried to place her hand where he indicated but couldn't seem to reach.
    "Wait." Jared hollered. He slid closer and slipped an arm around her. Her back pressed firmly against his hard chest. His arms wrapped around her. His mouth lingered a bare few inches from her ear. He took her hands in his and placed them on the levers between his legs. Dear Lord, her hands were between his legs! "This is how to control the machine...."
    She tried to concentrate on his words.
    "... use this lever to ..."
    Did his heart beat against her or was that just the tremble of the vehicle?
    "... the turning mechanism ..."
    Did his skin seem unusually hot, or was that just the warmth of the motor?
    "... to the right shift ..."
    Did his lips brush her ear, or was that just the wind in her hair?
    "... now it's all yours."
    Without warning, his hands left hers and she searched her mind frantically. What did he say? Something about one lever doing this and another doing that? What on earth was she supposed to do? Why hadn't she paid attention? What was it he had done? Pushed this lever that way?
    She pulled a deep breath, closed her eyes and pushed the center tiller.
    At once the motorized beast swerved sharply, plunged off the road and careened wildly down the hillside that no longer seemed a placid slope but a precipitous mountain.
    "What are you doing?" Jared yelled and struggled to regain control of the unchecked vehicle. "Let me get—"
    With a jolt that cracked her teeth together, the machine hit a hole or a rock or something unknown and they were airborne. Seconds stretched to eternity, and Cece muttered a silent prayer, vowing to curb her impulsive tendencies and learn to embroider like Emily if only given a second chance.
    The vehicle landed hard and bounced once, then again. Cece held on for dear life, one hand gripping the carriage seat. Instinctively she reached for Jared with the other and grabbed—nothing.
    He was gone.
    "Jared!" She screamed and twisted on the seat until she knelt facing back the way they'd come. Her panicked gaze searched the hillside and finally found Jared running

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