Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)

Read Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) for Free Online
Authors: H.N. Sieverding
him to provide her next meal.
    She hadn’t thought this all out before she said that
breathless “yes” to Caleb when he asked to give her that third and final bite.
All she could think about was the great sex and how madly she was in love with
this rock star. She wished she could go back and say she needed more time. She
hadn’t realized how much she’d be giving up for him.
    It isn’t fair , she thought. How women had to
depend on their men to get their every meal. Not having fangs infuriated her.
She felt like a child. She had always been the independent loner, and now she
was forced to depend on Nathan and Caleb to survive. This wasn't glamorous like
was in her books. It sucked.
    “Did you know Caleb was suspended?” Ashleigh sat down on the
recliner across from Nathan.
    Nathan didn’t look at her as he spoke, his eyes glued on the
hockey game, “Huh?”
    She jumped from the chair and took the remote from his hand,
shutting off the television so she'd have his full attention. “Why’s he
    “Suspended for what?” Nathan sighed as he watched her sit
    “He said he can’t talk to Aiden because he’s suspended.”
    “What’s that ?”
    “He beat the piss outta Aiden a few months ago. Elders
aren’t supposed to do that.”
    “Is he in trouble?”
    “Well…yeah.” Nathan laughed, a cocky look on his face, as if
he felt she had asked him a stupid question. “He almost killed another
Elder—he's in a shit load of trouble. Master Mason Sr. is trying to bail him
out. They’re having a meeting about it soon…or they did. I’m not sure.”
    “What’s gonna happen to Caleb?”
Pulling her legs up onto the chair, Ashleigh’s voice showed her great concern.
    “I’m not sure. It all depends on what the Council decides. I
heard Master Bristol is pissed and is throwing a major fit about his son
getting hurt.” He sent her a reassuring smile. “But don’t worry about it.
Master Mason gets in trouble a lot, so he's used to it.”
    “He’s gotten in trouble before?”
    “Oh, yeah.” Nathan was slouching on the couch, his position
messing up his hair a little. “That’s why he can’t be on the Council of the
    “I didn’t know that.”
    “Now, you do.”
    “So can I do anything to help him? Like, testify that Aiden
is a complete pervert, and Caleb was saving me from him?”
    “You’re in trouble, too.”
    “Huh? Why am I in trouble?”
    “Because Master Mason made you an Elder without permission
from the Council. That kind of stuff has a process, you know."
    “And that’s my fault?” Putting her hand to her chest,
Ashleigh shook her head. “How did I know he was supposed to get permission?”
    “You can’t fix what’s done already.” A small sigh escaped
his lips. “Just ride this out. Master Mason knows what he’s doing.”
    “So, what about Aiden? What do I do about him stalking me?”
    “Ignore him." Like a lecturing father, Nathan pointed a
finger at her accusingly. “And don’t you dare tell him where you are, or go
teasing him and pissing him off.”
    “I need a set of fangs, so I can bite his ass. This being a
princess thing sucks.”
    “Being a princess is easier than being a hunter.” Nathan
didn’t laugh at her comment, but instead, a stern expression washed over his
features. “And because you’re such a little rule breaker, you’re not allowed
    “Is that Caleb’s rule?” Narrowing her eyes on him, there was
a challenging look in her glare.
    “I only listen to Caleb.”
    “We’ll see if you say that when I have you locked in your
    “Whatever.” Letting out a small grunt, Ashleigh grabbed a
nearby pillow. She held it to her tightly as she pulled her body into a tight
ball. “I’d rather have Robert watch me than you.”
    Nathan grinned as he received her glare. “Robert isn’t a
    “No…only little girls like you are.” She quickly got up from
her chair

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