Cold Redemption

Read Cold Redemption for Free Online

Book: Read Cold Redemption for Free Online
Authors: Nathan Hawke
call the Arroch Ilm Daddaq, the Tainted Well. They sent me a vision and I followed that vision to the shores at the end of the world, and there I found Gallow, washed up from some
shipwreck with others of his crew. He told me he had come from a place the Aulians knew long ago as the Glass Isles, to which the gods sailed after Mouth Catht split asunder. I understood: now the
gods had sent him back to me. They had listened to my prayer after all and here was their answer. Together we hunted the Rakshasa that destroyed my town. We hunted it for many months and in the end
we found it and put an end to it. All these things you speak of?’ He shrugged. ‘The gods sent Gallow to me. All he ever asked of his fate was to be allowed to return to his home across
these mountains. He told me he was once the Gallow Truesword who fought beside the Screambreaker, but that that man was long gone.’
    ‘What about the sword, Aulian?’
    ‘I have a name, Marroc. I am called Oribas.’
    Addic nodded. ‘And I’m Addic. My surly friend here is Brawlic and this is his farm. His wife Kortha has cooked the food you’ve eaten and my sister Achista has fed it to you. My
other friend here is Second Jonnic.’ He laughed. ‘The last of six brothers, Second, and his poor father ran out of names. There are some who call him Vengeful Jonnic instead, though,
and with good reason.’
    Second Jonnic watched Oribas coldly. ‘My brother who shared my name was killed by the forkbeards in Andhun.’ He turned to Addic. ‘He’s only telling us half the truth. He
knows more and I’ll have it out of him.’
    Addic raised a hand. ‘Brawlic has given him food and shelter and the forkbeards would have thrown me into the Isset were it not for this man and his friend. He’s no enemy.’
    Oribas looked from one to the other. ‘I thank you for your kindnesses. If there is a way to repay you, I will do what I can.’
    Jonnic spat. ‘If the forkbeards get hold of him, they’ll find out about all of us now.’
    ‘I’ve no wish to be a part of any of your troubles.’ Oribas kept his voice calm and quiet. ‘If you could tell me where the Lhosir will take Gallow . . .’
    ‘Your friend is certainly dead. And once they know who he is, the forkbeards will be back, looking for this sword.’
    Addic shook his head. ‘If they killed him then how will they know his name? And if they don’t know his name, how will they know there’s a sword to find?’ He grinned.
    Jonnic ground his teeth. ‘All the more reason this one can’t stay where the forkbeards might find him. We know perfectly well what the best thing would be.’
    ‘I do, but he’s clearly not fit to cross the pass again, not in this state.’ Addic’s eyes narrowed on Oribas. ‘You hunted a monster worse than a shadewalker? And
defeated it? How?’
    Oribas struggled to his feet. His legs felt as though they were made of wool. For a moment his head spun. He looked around the room, searching for the woman Achista, Addic’s sister, but
she wasn’t there. Then he searched for his satchel for a while before he remembered where it was – hanging from the dead stump of a tree dangling over the Isset. The thought of trying
to get it back made him shudder. He fiddled at the pouches on his belt instead while the Marroc watched him suspiciously. ‘The ruins of old Aulia were beset by shadewalkers after the empire
fell. There were those who took it upon themselves to hunt them. Shadow-stalkers and sword-dancers. I am neither of those things but I have seen them work.’ He walked stiffly to the fire and
threw a pinch of powder from one of his pouches into the flames. The fire flared, leaping out of the hearth and high towards the roof for a moment. The Marroc gasped and recoiled. ‘Creatures
like those have their weaknesses. Salt. Iron. Pure ice-cold water. And fire.’
    ‘He’s a witch,’ hissed Brawlic. ‘Get him out of my house!’
    Addic put a hand on the farmer’s arm. ‘He’s

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