The Gemini Divergence
was,” interrupted Schwerig.
    “Yes sir,” continued Stark. “It appears as
though Herr Volmer ‘was’ a scientist, specializing in radio
telemetry and radar. He was working here on something called the
Schriewer Project, designing remote controls for prototype flights,
when he was called away to Peenemunde to help them with rocket
guidance telemetry and scientific instrument reporting
    “Wow, that’s a mouthful,” Schwerig sneered
    Sgt Stark returned a facial expression as if
to say, “Wow whatever that means,” as he then, casually dropped the
file into the fire.
    Minutes later Schwerig was outside the
factory overseeing the loading of the train.
    In the background behind him, one could see
that the horror that had unfolded here at Schwerig’s hands was also
playing out at the other factories in the industrial park.
    The ghastly scene was providing a background
of occasional gunfire, the sound of men shouting, others screaming
in horror, explosions, and the sound of fire burning.
    The young leutnant walked up to Schwerig and
presented him with the freshly typed document as he saluted.
    Schwerig read it and said as he signed it,
“Very good, this will do nicely leutnant.” He handed the document
back and continued. “Tell me, after you take the forced labor back
to the concentration camps, where is your final destination to
deliver the hard assets?”
    “Riese Poland, Herr Major,” reported the
young leutnant “I am to deliver these assets there and then return
the train with assets to defend against the coming allied
offensive… Of course now I will have to schedule a replacement crew
to be waiting for me at Riese.”
    The leutnant paused and then asked, “If I
may, could I ask the major what the Allies will think once they
come upon this scene.”
    Schwerig turned and smiled as he said, “They
will think it is of their own doing. We have received intelligence
that the British RAF is to bomb this industrial park tonight.
Anyone, even the locals that come across this scene will attribute
it tonight’s impending bombing.”
    “Very good sir,” the young leutnant said
while snapping to attention and saluting farewell. “I will follow
your orders to the letter.”
    He turned and departed, walking towards the
    Schwerig turned slowly to
view the panorama of his grand deed, thinking to himself, what have I forgotten ?
    As he pondered his agenda, he noticed Sgt.
Stark approaching with a file in his hand. He instantly knew that
this could not be good that Sgt. Stark would leave the building
with a file without destroying it. It almost certainly meant that
there was something within the file that needed his attention
before burning.
    When Sgt. Stark arrived he snapped to
attention with apprehension; physically expressing his remorse to
report something.
    “I am not going to like this, am I Feldwebel
Stark,” snorted Schwerig.
    “I am afraid that you probably will not Herr
Major,” Sgt. Stark answered as he handed the file to Schwerig.
    As Schwerig opened the file Stark continued,
“I was about to finish your checklist by destroying this particular
file when I discovered an entry that may be of concern to you. The
entire file is the record of duplicates produced. The last entry
states the our, Herr Volmer, made several photographic copies of
documents and blue prints of drawings and schematics of his most
recent work here to present to his new employers at
    “Damn!” exclaimed Schwerig. “We can only hope
that the team at Peenemunde, which the officer in charge, Major
Toelke, has assured me that Volmer has been accounted for, has also
accounted for these documents.”
    “But, Herr Major… Can you be ultimately
    “I will be… before we are through… I will
retrieve these documents or confirm their demise; if I have to
chase them to the ends of the Earth.”

    The Big War
/ Herr Volmer’s Desk

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