The Game of Denial
is...playful," Tucker said.
    Mitchell, who was sitting on the floor next to his younger sister, laughed. "Morgana's a hussy, just like Aunt Charmaine."
    "Only not quite as playful as Aunt Charmaine," Tucker said.
    "Good dodge," Joan said.
    "Is this your partner?" Evey asked, holding out a picture to Joan.
    "Yes. My wife, Martine."
    "She's very beautiful."
    Joan looked into Evey's hazel eyes. "Thank you. I was very lucky when she chose me."
    Evey saw the wounded look in Joan's eyes and regretted asking the question.
    "How's Sheba doin' this mornin'?" Ralph's voice startled Evey from her memory of the previous evening.
    "She's fine, I think. We'll need to keep an eye on her. I might sleep in the tack room tonight to check on her."
    "No need for that, Miz Evey. You got company and the wedding and all. I can watch over her."
    "I appreciate it, Ralph. Maybe we can split it." She turned back to the stable. "I've mucked out the stalls and was getting ready to feed them. If you can do that and check their water, I'll go back to the house and get breakfast started. Come up to the house in about an hour."
    "You don't have to feed me while you've got company, Miz Evey."
    "Fran will help me. I'll be expecting you as usual. It's still a farm."
    Ralph nodded and turned toward the barrels of oats. Evey hung her rake on a nail inside the stable door and made her way back toward the house. "Oh, Ralph. After breakfast we should take Jericho through his paces. His owner says he's beginning to balk."
    When Evey stepped through the back door, the smell of freshly brewed coffee assaulted her nose. She was surprised to find Giselle Carmichael standing at the stove.
    "Good morning," Giselle said. "I hope you do not mind that I started preparing breakfast."
    "No. Of course not. I'm glad you've made yourself at home," Evey said as she poured a mug of coffee and stirred in a packet of sweetener. "What are we having?"
    "I make a reasonable omelet."
    "Sounds wonderful. Would you mind making one for Ralph, my farm manager? He usually has breakfast with us."
    "Of course. It would be my pleasure," Giselle said. "What would he prefer?"
    "Anything edible. He's not very picky."
    "Please tell me there's coffee left," Joan said as she entered the kitchen.
    "I'll get it," Evey said, opening a cabinet and taking down another mug. "Cream and sugar?" She couldn't understand how anyone could look so well-put together so early in the day and especially after almost an hour of running.
    "A little of each, please," Joan answered as she plopped into a chair at the kitchen table. She inhaled the aroma deeply when Evey set the steaming mug in front of her. She took a careful sip and smiled. "Did you make the coffee, Giselle? I taste a hint of cinnamon."
    "I thought it tasted a little different," Evey said.
    "A little cinnamon each day is good for your health," Giselle said. "Like wine with your evening meal."
    "It's delicious," Evey replied.
    "How would you like your omelet, Joan?" Giselle asked
    "Just one egg with ham and cheese, if you have it."
    "Do we?" Giselle looked at Evey.
    "Of course. One of my neighbors slaughtered a couple of hogs last week and dropped some off, along with cheese his wife made. Will that do?"
    "Sounds wonderful," Joan said. "Please don't tell the girls where you got it though. If it doesn't come in a plastic resealable package from the grocery store, they may not eat it."
    "Seriously?" Evey asked.
    Joan looked up at Evey. "I was raised on a farm in Nebraska. Unfortunately, they were not."
    "You mentioned that before. How long did you live on a farm?"
    Joan looked at the ceiling and thought. "When I was a teenager my father sold it to go into the meat packing business. His original meat packing plant has expanded into a number of other areas now."
    Gradually over the next hour the remaining family members filtered into the kitchen, most drawn by the enticing smells. Evey was amazed at how well Giselle was able to keep up with preparing the

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