
Read Ransom for Free Online

Book: Read Ransom for Free Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
young man, sat down in the chair Ramsey offered, clasped his hands on his knobby knees, and nodded toward Michael. “Perhaps, Laird, it would be best if you would listen to your brother’s request and allow him to be on his way before we continue this discussion. Children often repeat secrets by accident, and I wouldn’t like anyone to know about this . . . merger . . . until you have either accepted or denied us.”
    Ramsey agreed and turned to his brother. “What is it you want, Michael?”
    The boy was still terribly timid around his older brother, for he barely knew him, having seen him only a couple of times in his short life. Ramsey had been living at the Maitland holding as an emissary after his mandatory years of training to become a fit warrior and had returned to his Sinclair home when their father had called for him on his deathbed. The brothers were nearly strangers to one another, but Ramsey,though somewhat inept at dealing with children, was determined to rectify that situation as soon as possible.
    â€œI want to go fishing with my new friend,” Michael stammered, his head still bowed low, “if it’s all right with you, Laird.”
    â€œLook at me when you ask your question,” Ramsey instructed.
    Michael quickly did as he was ordered and repeated his request, adding the word “please” this time.
    Ramsey could see the fear in his brother’s eyes and wondered how long it was going to take for the boy to get used to having him around. The child still mourned their father, and Ramsey knew that Michael felt as though he had been abandoned. The boy didn’t remember his mother—she had passed away when he was just a year old—but he had been extremely close to their father and still had not recovered from his death. Ramsey hoped that with time and patience Michael would learn to trust him and perhaps even remember how to smile again.
    â€œYou won’t go near the falls, and you’ll be back in this tent before sunset,” he ordered quietly.
    â€œI’ll be back before sunset,” Michael promised. “Can I leave now?”
    â€œYes,” Ramsey answered, then watched in exasperation as his brother tripped over his own feet and knocked a chair over in his haste to join his friend.
    â€œMichael,” he called as his brother was rushing out the entrance, “haven’t you forgotten something?”
    The child looked puzzled until Ramsey nodded to the visitors. Michael immediately ran to the two men, bowed to his waist, and blurted out, “May I take your leave?”
    Otis and Brisbane gave their permission, smiling as they watched the child bolt outside.
    â€œThe boy resembles you, Laird,” Brisbane commented. “’Tis the truth he’s your very image, for I well remember you as a lad. God willing, Michael will also grow into a fine warrior. A leader of men.”
    â€œYes,” Otis agreed, “with proper guidance, he could become a great leader, yet I couldn’t help but notice that the child fears his brother. Why is that, Laird?”
    Ramsey wasn’t offended by the question, as the old man spoke the truth and was simply making an observation. “I’m a stranger to the boy, but in time he’ll learn to trust me.”
    â€œAnd trust that you won’t leave him?” Otis asked.
    â€œYes,” he answered, realizing how perceptive the old man was.
    â€œI remember when your father decided to marry again,” Brisbane remarked. “I thought Alisdair was too old and set in his ways to take another wife. Your mother had been dead over ten years, but he fooled me, and he seemed very content. Did you ever meet Glynnes, his second wife?”
    â€œI attended their wedding,” he said. “Because she was so much younger than my father, he was certain he would die first and he wanted to be sure she was well provided for,” he

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