The Game of Denial
various requested omelets. "Are you sure you don't need some help?" Evey asked as she picked up two more plates.
    "My father was a chef at a small, but popular, restaurant in Paris. I was practically born in the kitchen," Giselle answered. "I will join you in a few moments."
    Evey set the final two plates in front of Tully and Megan before returning to refill the coffee cups. A tap at the back door drew her attention. Ralph stepped into the kitchen and removed his cap. He looked around sheepishly.
    "Ah, the missing breakfast guest," Giselle said. "You are just in time."
    Ralph nodded and moved toward the kitchen table.
    "We're in the dining room this morning, Ralph," Evey said as she poured him a mug of coffee.
    "This is fine, Miz Evey."
    "In the dining room," Evey insisted. "You're a part of this family, too."
    Ralph looked out of place as he took a seat next to Brad, who took time from his eating to shake Ralph's rough hand and introduce the others at the table. Finally, Evey and Giselle joined the rest of the large extended family. Giselle sat next to her children, leaving the only remaining seat next to Joan. Evey slipped into the seat and spread a napkin in her lap.
    "Tully, we're taking Jericho out after breakfast. He's beginning to balk," Evey said after a few bites of her omelet.
    "Okay," the handsome twenty-year-old said. "You riding or am I?"
    "I'll ride. The owner's daughter is about my size and weight. You follow me and see if you notice anything unusual about his gait. It could be something as simple as that. Hopefully."
    "You're going riding this morning?" Joan asked.
    "We're working with a new horse for a client. He's been behaving a little erratically and the owner wants him to be more stable before his daughter takes him out. Would you like to join us?"
    "It's been years since I rode."
    "It's a cross-country course. We'll be gone for hours," Tully said around a mouthful of food.
    "I don't have any other plans," Joan said.
    "You can follow me with Tully." Evey looked across the table at her manager. "Ralph, after breakfast, please saddle Jackson for Ms. Carmichael and see if we have an extra pair of chaps."
    "Yes'm," Ralph said.
    After breakfast, Evey, Tully, and Ralph left the house. Joan went to her room and, after a quick shower, changed into a pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt. By the time she reached the stables, Ralph was leading a tall chestnut to a mounting area. Tully and Evey followed, leading other horses. The horse Evey led was a tall, sleek brownish-black gelding. Joan could easily see the powerful muscles in his rear legs as he danced around, eager to run. Evey patted his neck and spoke softly and calmly to him. "Leg up," she finally said. Tully laced his fingers together, gripped Evey's knee, and boosted her easily into the saddle. She adjusted the stirrups and tightened the riding helmet under her chin as she settled into the small saddle.
    Ralph wrapped a set of chaps around Joan's lower legs. "They'll keep your legs from getting' cut by the brush," he explained. He handed Joan a riding helmet.
    Tully turned to Joan. "Leg up?" he asked.
    Joan glanced up at Evey and cleared her throat before nodding. Evey Chase looked stunning in her tan riding pants and sleeveless white pullover. She looked confident as her thighs gripped the sides of the animal beneath her while she tightened her helmet. A short black crop protruded from under her left arm. Please don't toss me over the horse, Joan prayed silently. She smiled to herself as Tully boosted her onto the horse's back and handed her the reins.
    "It's been a while," she said. "I'm sure I'll walk funny tomorrow."
    Evey laughed as Tully mounted his horse. "I'll look forward to seeing that. We're taking an easy route first. It should be a simple ride."
    The three riders started at a walk and gradually increased their pace, allowing both the horses and Joan to become accustomed to her mount. Evey stopped about a half mile from the main house and

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