Winning the Legend
getting his way. Arianna was grateful that Andrew was never
allowed into the dearg-dul council meetings. She doubted her
council would remain intact if she did bring him along.
    “You are speaking to the head of the
Randolph family,” Devin replied from down the row. He was also sick
of how Arianna was treated. They all thought she was a prize, but
he couldn’t wait until they finally realized that she could easily
crush them into submission with her strength.
    “Not possible. Where is Randolph?” the man
asked, not even deeming Devin worthy enough to look at.
    “I am the current head of the dearg-dul,
lycan, baku, and tengu,” Arianna replied, letting a bit of her
power break forth as Gabriel did to command the baku into
submission. There was only one thing night humans respected;
strength. “My grandfather is dead, in case you didn’t get the
update. And trust me, if he were alive, I know what his solution
would have been to this mockery of clan rules. Not a single one of
you would have been left alive.”
    Arianna stared from face to face as she
talked. Several of the men were cocky enough to think they would
have outlived her grandfather had he come looking for them, but the
majority knew that Lord Randolph had risen to power based on his
own cunning and strength. If he had ordered them dead, they would
have been dead. Even the older man knew he was no match for the
former Lord Randolph. Lord Randolph was the first to ever control
more than one clan when he won the lycan over with favors that
brought them more land and power. The night human world was
secretive, though, and none beyond her clans had been told of her
grandfather’s passing.
    “Any more interruptions?” Arianna asked the
group. The men all answered with a no. Loan looked relieved to have
his grandfather silenced.
    “First, welcome to the Meyer estate. Each of
you has been assigned a room. Your retainer has been assigned the
room across the hallway. There are two main rooms you are allowed
to spend time in. First is the room we are standing in, the dining
room.” The room had a large fireplace on one side with couches and
chairs around it, looking nothing like a dining room. All the
dining tables had been pushed against the wall to make room for
everyone to stand in one row. “All meals will be served here in a
buffet style. Blood is available, so please don’t bother any of my
staff. It isn’t their job to feed you. The second room is through
any door on the north wall.” Arianna pointed behind her. “That is
the training room. Retainers are not allowed in the training room,
but can view the proceedings through the one-way mirror on the
north wall. All heads of families can likewise use the library for
two hours each morning after we finish with the competitions. There
has been a desk placed there for each of you along with one for
    “That’s not fair,” Nik Katsulas complained.
“What about the rest of us that aren’t the heads of the family yet?
They get to spend more time with you, and that’s against the rules.
We all are supposed to have equal access to you while the
competition is going on.”
    Nik was sulking just like the information
Arianna had been provided with outlined that he would. As the
prodigal son of his family, he was used to getting everything just
the way he wanted. Arianna was a little surprised to find all her
readings about him correct. She couldn’t picture any
nineteen-year-old that still behaved like a spoiled brat, but now
she was witnessing it. His younger brother, Polo, stood behind him,
sheepishly looking away. Arianna had saved Polo only a month ago
from a painful demise—blistering to death in the sun. He seemed to
be embarrassed by his brother.
    “If you were a head, you would understand.
This isn’t spending time. I have work to get done, and I need both
the competitor, Devin, and his retainer, Gabriel, to assist me.
Unlike you, I’m not here for a game. I still have four clans

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