The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Read The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
we'll break it down," a voice shouted from outside. Melia ushered Maxim into the room she slept in, "Quickly, hide under the bed," she said lifting the overhanging blanket for him. In the main room, Zack removed a ring from his pocket and placed it on his finger. He took a deep breath and lifted his head high, as he released the latch on the door.
    Stood before him was a tall, somewhat ugly looking man. With a sword hanging from his side, Zack noticed the badge on his tabard. As a young royal, albeit a lesser one, he was still expected to learn the various insignias and emblems of his country. This man wore the mark of the fallen tree, meaning he was under the command of the Mayor of Woodhaven. All soldiers were ultimately under the control of the crown, although it was commonly known that some sided more with the government, others more loyal to nobles and royalty. Which side this soldier listened too, Zack was uncertain.
    There was no way he, Melia and Maxim could deal with a dozen soldiers. Maybe if their powers were fully evolved they could do so easily, but that was not the case. He was certain if he wanted, he could teleport himself away from danger, he was not however, willing to leave his friends behind. The soldier stared down at him, a brute of a man, that could probably have killed Zack with his bare hands if he so wished.
    "Why did you take so long in answering the door?" the man asked in a deep booming voice. Clearly, this was a voice used to commanding, and getting answers. Zack peered pass the soldier before him, to the others waiting behind. Some had their hands on the hilts of their swords, others stood with arms crossed, but they all looked his direction. "You will have to excuse us. We are not used to having visitors out here in our forest retreat," Zack said, himself using a tone of voice, which he hoped showed his social standing.
    The soldier was clearly unsure of the young man before him, and Zack knew he needed to press his advantage further. "Now Sir," he said, "Perhaps you will explain why you feel the need to batter at my door shouting and yelling?" The man scoffed at the question. "I'll be the one doing the questions boy," he replied regaining any loss of composure he may have shown.
    Melia then moved to the door and stood just a little behind Zack. "I will not tolerate your insolence man," Zack said raising his voice a little. "I am here in my forest retreat to rest. There is no one else here but my carer," he added gesturing to the older girl stood behind him. It was clear the soldier in command did not believe any of it. Zack was only left with one more option, although this was something he did not want to do. His anonymity was needed to protect his family and if word got out the nephew of the king, was hiding away in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, people would question why. If people ever found out he was magical, he knew there were people in government that would use that to see his uncle removed from power.
    "Listen boy," the soldier said, "I have had enough of your talk. Now, we are on official business. We track a killer, and I need to search this house. Obstruct us and I'll have you arrested and flogged for doing so." Zack gulped, the very thought of such a punishment horrified him. He had seen people whipped to within an inch of their lives; their cries and screams were sickening to hear. "You will not enter this house by my order. Moreover, if you threaten the nephew of the king one more time, it shall be you who is in line for a flogging, along with every other man here."
    Zack lifted his hand slowly upwards to make sure the soldiers could see the ring on his finger. Made of gold with a crown engraved on the face, it was only worn by members of the royal family. Now it only remained to see whether the soldier in charge followed the chain of command, or whether his loyalty stopped at his employer. There was another moment's pause, and for a just a second,

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