The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Read The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
get each of them, although as he was not from Woodhaven, he was not sure of the best places to shop.
    He ran his fingers through his thick black hair, as he looked around at the buildings in the square wondering where to start. How difficult could it be to do a bit of shopping he thought? He headed towards the first store, running the items he needed through his mind. After just a few minutes inside, he had already managed to clear several of them off the list, as he carried the paper in one hand and a wrapped package under his arm, feeling pleased with himself.
    Danton was having little success in finding anybody willing to part with four horses in one sale. As a result, he had decided to buy them individually from different vendors. Knowing the people he was buying for varied in riding ability, he thought getting one for Maxim would prove to be the most difficult. As it happened, the first one he bought would likely be ideal. He had found a man willing to sell a mare, that despite being older than he would have liked, still looked in fine condition. The main reason however for buying her, was her placid temperament; the mare would never win any races but would suit Maxim perfectly.
    Now he needed to cater for the others. Zack he knew would be an experienced rider, and would probably be able to handle any horse bought for him. Melia would also be best with a more placid horse and nothing to big, and Mikel was strong enough to handle most creatures, but Danton was unsure of his riding abilities.
    As he moved between vendors, with the horses he had bought tied and following behind him, he noticed how many soldiers were on duty. Maxim, burning the guard had certainly caused a stir. He had just mentioned in passing to the last man he had bought a horse from, as to why there were so many guards. He was told that apparently a crazed magician was on the loose. Apparently this same mad man was so dangerous, the Mayor of Woodhaven had asked for reinforcements from neighbouring towns. "They say the very hairs on his head are flames," the man had said. Danton had just played along and had tried to look as shocked as he could, without laughing at the stupidity of some people.
    Back in the cottage set in the forest, Zack and Maxim were still sat at the table. Having run through the alphabet endless times, and copying out the letters on to pieces of paper they had decided on a short break. Melia had made them all a nice hot drink, which was something else Maxim had never tried before. It was a drink made from some ground beans. He savoured the aroma coming from his cup, before sipping from his cup. Zack chuckled as he watched his new friend pull a face, as he tasted coffee for the first time, "Perhaps you might like a little sugar and cream," Melia suggested. Maxim nodded, the drink had smelled so aromatic, but the taste was quite bitter.
    Maxim smiled approvingly, taking another sip from his cup. His life had been turned on its head, and he felt as happy as he had ever been. He was clean, had nice clothes and a full belly, but more importantly, for the first time in his life he had people who he felt he could call friends. Zack especially had been so kind to him, not only giving him the outfit he was wearing, standing up for him, but showing so much patience in teaching him to read and write. Suddenly the peacefulness of the room was broken, as a thumping sounded at the outer door.

    Chapter 4.
    Melia immediately darted across the room towards the small window. She peered outside, "Soldiers!" She whispered, "About a dozen of them." The banging on the door sounded again, "What could they want?" she added.
    "I think they will be looking for me," Maxim replied, "Quick then, you must hide," Zack said jumping to his feet. Maxim was not sure what to do or where he was supposedly supposed to suddenly disappear too. Had Danton been there he could literally have done so.
    "Open the door, or

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