The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

Read The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
with him into town to try to buy supplies; they also needed to find somebody willing to part with at least four horses. Danton already had a horse, but none of the others had, but fortunately for them, Zack's family had seen to it, he had been given a large amount of gold to help cover costs. Barring that, two horses and a cart would probably suffice just as well. He had already considered the fact that Maxim had probably never even sat upon a horse, never mind ride one. The next few weeks were going to see great changes for Maxim he thought, and there was certainly going to be weeks, perhaps months of hard work ahead.
    Danton, as the person in charge of the small group of youngsters, held the door open for Mikel. As he went to close it, he reminded those remaining to behave and stay out of sight. After saddling his horse, kept in the small outbuilding beside the cottage, Danton climbed up and held a hand down, before Mikel grabbed it and sat up behind him. "Me and you can have a little chat as we ride," Danton said glancing behind him.
    After trotting along the narrow forest trail, for a while they eventually joined the main track back towards Woodhaven, but a short way further on, they were stopped by a group of soldiers. "What seems to be the trouble Sir?" Danton asked politely. The man in charge looked up at him, "We are looking for a magician...killed a soldier in cold blood he did," he added staring at the younger man on the back of the horse. "Mind pulling your hood back," the soldier asked Mikel, who did so willingly. It was clear to the soldier these two did not match the description of the murderer. "Just be careful. The chap we are looking for has red hair, scruffy looking and probably no older than fifteen or sixteen," the man added preparing to move out and continue the search. "If you see someone that description, don't approach him, just call the town guard. We'll not stop until we find the little bastard."
    With that passing remark, Danton nodded and nudged his horse forward, and only when certain they were out of earshot, did Mikel speak, "They were talking about Maxim weren't they?" Danton just nodded to the affirmative before adding, "Although he is most definitely not a cold blooded killer as they are making out." Knowing Mikel was only going to ask further question, Danton decided to tell him all the details on how he had seen Maxim.
    Whilst being invisible in the town, he had seen a rather bedraggled looking youth scarper past. That in itself was not reason enough for him to follow. It was the fact around that young man, was a magical aura, the like of which he had never seen before. Only when two soldiers finally caught him did that power really emanate outwards. "Like it or not Mikel, but Maxim is...or at least has the potential to be far more powerful than you, I or anybody else I have ever met."
    As they neared the town gates, they were once more stopped by guards. It seemed the soldiers were out in force looking for Maxim, "Won't they find the cottage if they look far enough afield?" Mikel asked in a loud whisper, as they trotted along the main route inside the town. "I hope not..." Danton replied. Although now it had been brought to his attention there was always that worry. "We need to get our business finished as quickly as possible here," he finally replied. "You go sort out the list of supplies, I will see if we can buy some horses."
    Once they reached the market square, Mikel dropped down from the horse, and waited whilst Danton counted him out a few gold coins from his purse. He passed them down with the list he had referred too, "Meet back here in two hours," Danton said trotting away, "And stay out of mischief," he shouted across his shoulder.
    Mikel watched a while whilst Danton trotted away and turn down a side street, and only when he was completely out of sight did Mikel look at the list in his hand. He browsed down the items, thinking where he needed to go to

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