3 Seconds (Time for Love Book 6)

Read 3 Seconds (Time for Love Book 6) for Free Online

Book: Read 3 Seconds (Time for Love Book 6) for Free Online
Authors: Bethany Lopez
single woman?
    Ready to open
myself up and let him get a glimpse into how I became the woman I
was today, I held out my hand and guided him inside.


    Chapter Seven ~
    I looked around
the living room, taking everything in as if I were starved to learn
as much about this woman as I possibly could.
pictures adorned the walls, some family photos, and some pictures
of Ireland’s beautiful landscape. There were also quotes about the
beach, as well as nautical-themed decorations. The furniture and
accent pieces were in teals, sea-foam greens, and white.
    The vibe was
easy, comfortable, and inviting. I liked it immediately, and was
excited to see this side of Bronagh. I followed her into the
kitchen and grinned. With every gadget known to man, a double oven,
island with a gas stovetop, and a refrigerator to rival most
restaurants’, it was definitely a chef’s showplace.
    “I could live
here,” I said honestly as I walked the room, touching everything
with awe.
    Bronagh grinned
at my declaration and sighed, “Right? It’s perfect. I knew exactly
what I wanted, and drove the contractor crazy, but I love it.”
    We walked
through the rest of the house, which included a bathroom, an
office, and her bedroom, then wandered back in to the kitchen.
    “Are you
hungry?” she asked.
    “Starved,” I
replied, laughing when my stomach chose that moment to rumble
loudly. I was always hungry after a show, probably because I didn’t
eat much prior.
    She opened the
fridge, pushed items aside as she did a quick inventory of what she
had on hand, then turned to me and suggested, “Carbonera?”
    “That sounds
perfect. I actually spent a few weeks in a small restaurant in
Italy. The chef was very generous and showed me how to make a
perfect dish.”
    Bronagh opened
her hands, welcoming me to take the lead on the meal prep. Unable
to resist the urge, I dropped my head and kissed her lightly,
thrilled at the prospect of cooking with her … for her.
    We got out the
ingredients and I watched as she pulled out the tools that we’d
need, memorizing where everything was kept. I was cocky enough to
bank on the fact that I’d be cooking in this kitchen again.
    “So, when did
you go to Italy?”
    I pulled the
bacon out of the package and started chopping with Bronagh’s
butcher knife.
    “After Brock
and Victoria got married, the house I grew up in suddenly felt a
lot smaller. I knew I needed to give them their space, they were
newlyweds after all, so I figured it was time for me to get a place
of my own. I started looking at apartments, then realized I’d never
really been on my own. I’d never done anything. So I busted
into the money I’d been saving while living with Brock, and decided
to finally discover the world. I took a break from culinary school
and went to Europe, traveled for about a year and a half. I worked
odd jobs in restaurants, learning from some of the best chefs in
the world, and played gigs in pubs and bars in the evenings.”
    “That sounds
amazing,” she said as she fed dough into her pasta machine. “I
lived in Europe for a few years, Paris mostly, and I really miss it
sometimes. I can’t believe you took off by yourself, with no plan,
and just lived … That’s so brave.”
    I shook my head
with a grin.
    “I wouldn’t say
brave, but it was amazing. I missed my brothers, and when I
found out Victoria was pregnant, I knew it was time to come home.
But, I wouldn’t trade my time there for anything. I could never
learn what I did over there in a classroom … no offense.”
    “None taken,”
she replied with a sweet laugh. “I get it. There’s nothing like
working in a kitchen with someone who lives and breathes the food
they prepare.”
    “So, what
countries did you visit?”
    I started the
sauce, not immediately answering her question. I was surprised at
how nostalgic I felt talking about that time in my life.
    “Ahh, in
addition to Venice, I traveled to

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