Bring Me to Life

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Book: Read Bring Me to Life for Free Online
Authors: Emma Weylin
anything like it. I just have a misguided sense of self-preservation.”
    “And you kill demons…how?” he tried again.
    She let out a soft sigh and zipped up the backpack. “The same way I killed Vincent. I don’t mean for it to happen. It just does when I am afraid or about to die. Which really sucks.”
    Something raw settled hard in his gut. She believed her guilt in his death was because she thought she’d done the deed and not lured him out for a gang of vampires to mutilate. It looked like if he wanted any kind of straight answer from her he was going to have to reveal himself. Great. Then she really would have a hysterical fit, and he knew he wasn’t equipped to deal with Bryna reacting to him standing in front of her. It was possible she wouldn’t recognize him. His features weren’t exactly the same as when he’d been alive. Felix had gifted him a corporeal body when Vincent agreed to work for him, but there was enough of a resemblance of his old self she might be able to figure it out.
    “Why can’t you just tell me?” He kept his tone as soft as he could. Suddenly the thought of making her feel as guilty as he possibly could wasn’t as appealing as it had been the night before.
    “Because you’re a world-class jerk, and I don’t like talking to you.” Her response was blunt. She got up and went to a cabinet by the front door to collect up more weapons.
    “You need the weapons to kill them?” he pressed, trying to ignore the sting of her words.
    He snarled. “Then what’s the point of having them?”
    She turned around and pinned him down with those emerald eyes framed in smudgy black makeup. “Because I didn’t learn my lesson about not running with scissors, and I keep hoping I might fall the right way one day.”
    “I am beginning to think your death wish is for shock value and nothing else,” he bit out.
    She snorted at him. “Right. I exist for the sole purpose to annoy you.” She turned an impish grin on him. “Speaking of which, can you have sex? Or are you not operational in that department since you’re dead?”
    Yeah, he was in hell, and she was his tormentor. He knew she’d said that just to get a rise out of him, and goddamn it. He was going to give it to her. “As a matter of fact, I frequently fuck the women I protect.”
    Her face blossomed into a warm smile. “Great. Then I don’t have to worry about going without for the next week. Taking matters into my own hands isn’t nearly as fun when I can have a partner.”
    “So my assessment of whore was correct,” he snarled out. He stood up and backed away from her. He hadn’t had these kinds of dark thoughts in his head for the last one hundred and fifty years. In no way should his Bryna be this casual about sex.
    “Bingo,” she said as something flashed in her eyes, but it was gone before he could figure it out.
    “Lucky I don’t have to worry about disease, then, huh?” he shot back.
    She looked at him with those green eyes. “Do you try to be hurtful, or was that just a talent you died with?”
    He took a step toward her. “How many men have you fucked?”
    She made a disgusted sound. “None of your business.”
    “Did you fuck the first one before or after his body was cold?” Vincent snarled.
    She stilled and then went into the kitchen and turned on the faucet.
    He followed her. “I asked a question. I would like an answer.” If it wasn’t fair, he didn’t care. She was supposed to have been his. Of course what she decided to do with her body wasn’t really any of his business, but some warped and disturbed part of him needed to know.
    “Why? So you can report back to Vincent that his living girlfriend cheated on him after he died?” She scrubbed a plate harder than was needed.
    “Yeah. I think it might help him find some peace to find out what you really are.”
    Her body went rigid, and then she whirled around and stared at him. “He’s not…Oh my God.” Her face turned a funny

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