The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
movements, letting him know I can
dance too. I’m not up for sale, and I don’t care how handsome they
are or how well these guys can dance, smile, and especially tempt
me to make me go back on my promise. Their asshole brother can go
to hell. I’m not dating or accepting gifts, and mostly definitely
not screwing him.
    “No, no I’m not dating your brother.”
I say, pulling away. “You and your brothers can find another slut.
I choose to be single, and not because offers don’t come in on a
regular basis. I’m Cess Lamil, and you need to look that up. I
don’t need any gift, or anything he can do for me. I can provide
for myself.” I walk away, going to speak with my girls. The more I
think about it, the more pissed off I get. I walk up to Suzy,
Jamie, and Kelly, who are gawking at my new sexy neighbors. I don’t
think they even see me. Jamie is more the type they need, for what
they’re asking.
    “Hello!” I say, waving my hands in
their faces. They are all staring.
    “Cess, please tell me you’re going to
go to bed with one of them tonight?” Kelly says, waving. I stand in
front of them, placing my hand on my hip.
    “You can have them! They are here
trying to fix me up with their brother, Draken, but want to make
sure that I give up the cookies. What kind of-” I say.
    Before I can finish, Jamie is fussing.
“Cess, you are so stuck on yourself. They should be protecting The
Great Draken. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of him. If they are
here on his behalf, consider it a privilege. You should watch the
business world more closely. Draken and his brothers run Out of
World Enterprises; it’s the third largest company in the world. I
know you come from money, but the joke is, they are the money. You
see where I’m going with this?” Jamie says, still smiling at them.
I turn, and see all their eyes are on me. Why?
    “Jamie, maybe you should do it, I
don’t want to, and you know all about him, go for it,” I
    “Jamie, if you won’t, I will,” Kelly
says, freshening her lip gloss. “Oh shit, here comes
    I turn, and Showken is there smiling
at everyone. I have to stay away from him, and his brothers. I see
Travis looking at me and his face says it all, jealousy. Yes! That
is what I want him to feel.
    “Hello, beauties! Can I steal Cess for
one second, and then may I have a dance with you, Kelly? My brother
would like to dance with you now, Jamie.” Showken says, placing his
hand in mine and walking me to one of the many balconies in Donna
Marie’s house. Where is Donna Marie? If I have to guess, she and
Rich are somewhere having sex. They are like rabbits.
    “I said no!”
    “I say, yes,” Showken says.
    “Why are you bothering me about this?”
I frown.
    “Look, we are only here for 6 months,
then we’re gone. Listen, it’s not an insult, actually we think very
highly of you. We just want our brother happy, but if your answer
is still no, we will not say another word. I do ask, though, if you
would not mind coming to a party at our house next weekend. Draken
spends most of his time at the office, so will you come?” He does
that smile, and the dimples are my weakness. “Yes, I will
    “Thanks, Beautiful, now I’m off to
have fun with Kelly,” Showken says, leaning in, and giving me a
kiss, and then he whispers “Your ex is boiling mad, but that will
teach him about breaking ladies’ hearts.” He walks away. I take a
deep breath, trying to process all of this. I have just been asked
to date Draken, and to make sure my body is at his disposal. WOW! I
hear some crazy things, but this is number one. He is the finest
man I’ve ever seen. How did Showken know my girlfriends’ names?
Maybe they were introduced earlier, and Jamie seems to know all
about them. Draken is all man. No, I will not set myself up for
heartache, besides, why would I enter a six-month sexual
relationship. I want long term, marriage, and maybe a couple of
kids. I don’t want to just have

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