The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
of sexy hot men. I really need to leave.
    “Showken, just tell her,” Gemi says,
looking at me.
    “Tell me what?” Oh shit! What are they
not telling me?
    “We are here to have fun, but also to
see if you like our brother, Draken,” Gemi says, cocking his
handsome face to the side. I notice they all are waiting for an
answer. Why didn’t the asshole bother to come? Why send his
brothers? I frown.
    “He doesn’t know. We are trying to
help him out of his shell, so to speak,” Layern says, smiling. All
this attention is going to have this girl going crazy. I look from
brother to brother, and there’s something different about them. I
know they are fine, and brothers, but they look like they could be
very dangerous.
    “Umm, I… well, since it doesn’t seem
like you’re going to let me leave, I guess let’s go dance!” I say,
moving from the corner they have me in. I glance over my shoulder
and smile. “I hope you can dance, because that’s my specialty.” I
walk away towards the music and party people. I feel them right
behind me, and I know they are there, there is a sense of danger
there too. I hope they are not serial killers. I turn and look, and
all smiles is what I see, as they walk like kings. I walk to the
floor and begin to move. One of my favorite songs is playing, Ride,
by Ciara. I feel hands on me as I’m dancing, and Showken is behind
me. Wow, he can really dance, moving to my pace and never missing a
step. This guy is really good! I close my eyes, feeling the song,
as I feel another set of hands coming from in front, and there is
Gemi dancing with me, and he is grinding on me like we are alone.
Yikes, I’m so in trouble. I turn my head, and see Layern mouth “my
turn next.” These guys are walking sex. That’s as simple as I can
put it. If you look up sex, it will have all their pictures,
especially Draken. I wonder why he is not here? He must not like
me. Showken is whispering softly in my ear.
    “My brother Draken wanted us to check
you out. Make sure before he asks you out that you are a big
    “What does that mean, a big girl?” He
looks at me, and arches a brow as he chuckles. I see my friends
laughing and eyeing them. Gemi makes me focus on him when he starts
going down to the floor, making sure to rub his big, hot hands down
my legs. This is a fantasy! Showken persists.
    “Well, Cess, it’s up to you. My
brother wants you, he will take you on dates, buy you gifts, and
treat you well. You have to be willing to share this body with
him,” he whispers, as he turns me quickly, and now I’m facing him.
Gemi is having a good time with me from behind. What are they
doing, and what is he asking me to do, exactly?
    “What are you saying, Showken?” I say,
looking him in his eyes. I’m trying to have an attitude, but he is
so damn sexy.
    “I mean,” he says, “You are sexual
when you’re dancing, and before you answer: the way you are dancing
lets me know you are not a virgin,” Layern walks up, pushing him
and Gemi away. They find new dance partners, the ladies and guys
are staring at all three of them. Layern totally takes control of
the dance as a new song comes on. He picks me up, and pulls my legs
around his waist, and lays his hand on my belly, pressing me to
lean back. I lean back, feeling the music, and now the dance is
pure heat. It’s dirty dancing, with an R rating. I’m having a good
time when he, too, asks me about Draken.
    “I’m sure my brother has told you
about Draken.”
    “No, he has only asked if I will screw
your brother!” I snap.
    “I see you’re upset,” Layern says,
moving me slowly. “but you can’t deny you want him, right? Cess, I
know you think Draken is an ass, yet you still want him. You’re
young, nobody is saying you have to marry him. Our brother likes
you. He just doesn’t know how to tell you, and that’s where we come
in. You are new to him, Cess; you have a brother, wouldn’t you do
anything for him?” I return the

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