nothing like Scruffy the first. This Scruffy didn’t love Marisol the way the original
Scruffy had. Marisol had been eight when they had gotten Scruffy the first and
everywhere Marisol had gone Scruffy had gone. It didn’t matter if it was 2
steps away, Scruffy would follow. She had loved that dog more than anything in
the world, but she had passed away when Marisol had turned 23. She’d had a
good long life and in the end Marisol had lain beside her and told her that it
was okay to go, that she’d be okay without her and that night she had passed
After 12 years, Marisol
still missed her girl and this Scruffy reminded her of her all the time until she
would wake up. As long as she slept she looked like her, and then when she was
awake she was aware of the differences, like the fact that she had an attitude.
Scruffy stalked towards Marisol and she had this look on her little doggy face
as if to say “you pull me out of bed in 35 degree weather to pee in wet grass
and you look gleeful? I should pee on your feet.” Marisol opened the door and
got Molly hooked up and took her out and was amazed at the differences in the 2
dogs. Molly was happy, all the time and just all around stupid bless her
heart. She loped around and never acted as if she had a problem with
anything. Marisol loved cocker spaniels and couldn’t see owning any other dog,
but they really could get an attitude. After bringing Molly in and getting
them settled, Marisol started getting ready for work.
Marisol ran in through
the side door of work with 30 seconds to spare. Her boss watched the clock and
would deduct vacation days if you were late more than 3 days. It didn’t matter
if you were late 1 second or 4 minutes. Marisol put her purse and cup down at
her desk and turned on her computer. For the most part she liked her job and
she liked that she didn’t work with people. What she didn’t like was that her
boss always tried to find something wrong with her. It was like a weekly thing
that she had going on. This week she had called Marisol into her office to ask
her if she had the code to the security alarm because some of the employees had
seen her coming in the back door at work after hours. Marisol had told her
that she had knocked on the back door and Ralph, one of the nurse
practitioner’s had let her in. Her office manager, Clare had gone on and on
about how if she had the code she needed to let her know immediately. She had
told Clare that she didn’t have one and that she could just ask Ralph to
confirm the story if she didn’t believe her. Clare had told her that she
didn’t need to confirm it, that if Marisol said it she believed it. Marisol
couldn’t understand why she had gone on about it for 40 minutes. She wondered
what next week would bring.
Marisol knew that it
was because she was friends with a partner in the practice who didn’t like Clare.
It didn’t take a genius to figure that one out. Marisol was worn out from all
the accusations and backstabbing that had been going on. She just wanted to do
her job and go home. That’s all she had ever wanted to do. Yeah, at first she
had gotten in on the gossip, but that had gotten old really quick and she had
stopped and started focusing on what she was doing. She was bringing money
into the practice and that was what mattered. She couldn’t keep up with all
the drama that was going on in the office, much less both offices. She got up
to go into the kitchen and rounded the corner and heard Dr. Pate say “We’ve got
to get rid of her and that’s all there is to it.” Marisol ducked into the
bathroom and quickly closed the door. She got a sick feeling in the pit of her
stomach. She didn’t really care for Dr. Pate. He wasn’t a Christian and made
it quite clear that he thought religion and Christianity was just an excuse to
believe in something - kind of like believing in Santa Claus.