The Doctor's In Love (Pathway Series)

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Book: Read The Doctor's In Love (Pathway Series) for Free Online
Authors: CJ Butcher
Clare’s office for the second time this week to have a heart to heart.” Marisol
    “Do you want me to call
one of the partners and have a talk with one of them?” He asked.
    “Why would I want you
to do that?” Marisol asked horrified.
    “I thought it might
help.” He answered honestly.
    “That would make it
worse not better and then I’d be accused of having 2 doctors on my side.” She
    “Okay, well I guess
that won’t work.” He said.
    “I better go.  I’ll
call you later Josh, ok?” Marisol said.  They said their goodbyes and she hung
up.  She better get back inside before she got in trouble for that also.
    Josh looked at his
watch and then at the yard.  He wasn’t a fan of yard work.  As a matter of
fact, the last time he had done yard work he had come face to face with a wood
spider.  A barn full of wood spiders to be exact.  He had gone into his barn to
get out his lawn mower and he had walked through the doorway and a spider had
dropped on his head.  He had shaken it off onto his shirt and when he had looked
down he had seen a baby wood spider.  He had brushed that thing off so fast and
then he had turned on the light.  He had seen what he’d thought were hundreds,
but was probably only a third of that crawling around.  He had run out of there
going mach seven and he had called an exterminator.  In the end, he had wound
up burning down the barn and building a new one.  He wasn’t ashamed to admit
that one of the reasons he had become a doctor was because he was better with
people than working with power tools.  He might just save the yard work for
another day.  It’s not like it was going anywhere. 
    When Josh had talked to
Marisol on the phone he had heard how disheartened she sounded about her job. 
It could be a tough place to work when your boss didn’t like you.  He could go
behind her back and call one of the doctors, but if she found out – she’d have
his head.  That would be a bad idea.  She had made it clear how she felt.  He
would respect her wishes and let her handle it.  He had made a decision last night
before he went to bed that he would surprise her and meet her at church
tonight.  He wanted to check out Pathway Church also.  He’d heard good things
about the church and seeing as he was free, he wanted to be there to support
Marisol any way he could.  He was looking forward to seeing her again, even
though he’d just seen her last night. Even if it was just seeing her at church
he could handle that.  He could just sit beside her and be there for moral
support.  Yep, that was what he would do.  He had it all planned out.  Now he
just had to hope she didn’t mind.  He really thought he could spend the rest of
his life seeing her day in and day out and not get tired of it.

Chapter 6
    Marisol told Summer she
would meet her in front of church outside.  She was nervous about going and it
had taken forever to get ready to go.  She looked at her watch and then got out
of her car.  She waved at Summer.
    “Hey girl, you didn’t
chicken out on me.” Summer said smiling.  She was Marisol’s complete opposite. 
She had short brown hair and brown eyes and stood around five feet six.  She
had on 3 inch boots and towered over Marisol tonight. 
    “No, I didn’t chicken
out.  Could you get any taller with those boots on?  I look like an oompa
loompa beside you for heaven’s sake.” Marisol said laughing.
    “Weren’t they in that
cartoon with the singing rats?” Summer asked.
    “No that’s Cinderella. 
I’m talking about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Marisol said.  “How have
you not seen that even though you’re only ten years younger than me?” They walked
into the church together and were greeted at the door. 
    “I have to sit on the
end because I don’t like sitting in the middle.” Summer said. 
    “That’s fine with me. 
That way when they say to hug your neighbor, I can go to the

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