Marisol didn’t
know why, but she thought they were talking about her. Ever since she was
little she had these feelings and most of the time she was right on target.
She knew her boss was after her but why now? She looked in the mirror and
pasted a smile on her face. She did this all the time. She smiled when she
didn’t want to and acted like everything was fine. Today would be no
different. She could get through today and act like everything was great. No
one would ever know that anything was wrong or that she had heard anything. Marisol
opened the door and went back to her desk and acted like everything was okay.
She was getting good at this. However, on the inside she wasn’t doing so well
anymore. Her phone vibrated and she looked at the incoming text.
“ We still on for
church tonight?” It was from Summer.
Marisol texted back. “Yeah.
Still on. See ya tonight.”
Marisol laid the phone
down and leaned back in the chair. She looked at her desk and all her work.
“Marisol, can I see you
in my office for a minute?” Clare asked. Marisol looked up and Clare had
already disappeared around the corner. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked herself
what next week would bring because apparently there was more here for this week.
“Yes ma’am?” Marisol
asked as she went into her office.
“Take a seat. I have
something I need to ask you.” Clare asked and sat back in her chair with her
arms crossed. “I need to know if you’ve been talking with Dr. Rowe.” She
“Excuse me?” Marisol
asked. She looked at Clare as if she had really lost her mind. She and Dr.
Rowe were best friends, not that it was any of her business.
“It’s been brought to
my attention that you’ve been talking to her after hours.” Clare said. Marisol
just looked at Clare with a disbelieving look. She felt like she was in high
school all over again. It was amazing that she got any work done with all the
time she spent in her boss’s office.
“I’m friends with Dr.
Rowe and I don’t understand why it’s so important what I do on my off hours.”
Marisol stated quietly. She sat there with her legs crossed at the ankles and
her arms on the chair and held very still. She kept a controlled tone and
tried not to flinch as Claire said:
“Well it’s my business
if you’re talking about what is going on in this office to her.”
“I don’t have to tell
you this, but I’m going to – I haven’t talked to her. Not about the office and
not about you. I have too much work to do to worry about what goes on other
than what I do.” Marisol told her honestly.
“Well my sources tell
me that you talk quite regularly.” Clare said.
“I don’t know who your
sources are, but I can tell you that they aren’t true.” Marisol said.
“When I have several
people coming to me telling me things, I tend to believe them.” Clare told her.
“That’s your decision.”
Marisol said and sensing that the conversation was over, she got up and left.
She went back to her desk and started working on her meaningful use data for
the physicians. Somehow she had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.
Clare wasn’t going to leave her alone. That was twice in one week and every
time she went to one of the physicians to tell them she was being harassed, it
somehow got turned around on her. She had started looking for another job, but
her field was lucrative and hard to get into. She had been dealing with this
Clare issue for a while now. It wasn’t the first time that she had talked with
a physician about her boss and what had been going on. Her phone rung and she
looked at the number. She got up to take the call.
“Hello?” Marisol
“Hi there, beautiful
and how’s your day going?” Josh asked.
“I’ve had worse, but I’ve
also had better.” She answered smiling.
“That doesn’t sound too
good.” Josh said.
“I just got called