The Children Who Time Lost

Read The Children Who Time Lost for Free Online

Book: Read The Children Who Time Lost for Free Online
Authors: Marvin Amazon
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult
see. Madeline lay beside me in her bed, begging me to never leave her, to never forget or replace her. Then she started falling. I reached out to grab her but couldn’t. I could hear her screaming, calling out to me and begging me not to let her die.
    I felt Kevin’s hand on my right shoulder, shaking me. I realized that my eyes were shut. I opened them, but my vision was blurry. I wiped the tears away, and the three of them came into view again.
    “You okay, honey?” Suzanna asked.
    I sniffled and scratched my head. “I’m so sorry.” I shoved my chair so far back that it nearly tipped over. All eyes on our floor moved to me. I lifted the bottom of my black dress, removed my heels and ran toward the stairs. The tears kept falling as I ran. I heard Kevin calling after me, but I blocked it out. I didn’t know what I was doing or where I would go, but I had to get out of there.

Chapter Four

    Chapter Four

    F udge’s body felt cold at first, but the more I cuddled him, the warmer he got. The rain was now falling heavily. I hoped Kevin didn’t get caught in it. It was nearly eleven o’clock, and he still had not come home. I couldn’t really blame him for staying away after my display. I’d felt so embarrassed after I left the restaurant. As I sat in the back of the taxi, I kept wondering why I’d reacted like that. I knew the visions in my dreams had not gone, regardless of what Jarrod said.
    Fudge’s sudden bark startled me. He got up and ran to the front door. The sound of metal colliding with hard mahogany rang in my ears. He barked three more times before the door swung open. Kevin walked in with his suit drenched. I ran to him and embraced him. He hesitated for a moment before putting his arms around me, too.
    “I’m so sorry,” I said, trembling. “I didn’t mean to run out like that.”
    He held my shoulders and eased me back. Then he looked into my eyes with a soft smile. “You don’t ever have to apologize to me, baby. I love you no matter what.”
    I pulled away when I felt the water on my hands and nightgown. “You’re so wet, honey. What do you say we get you out of those?”
    He nodded and kissed me on the forehead. I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. I put his clothes in the wash while he showered. An hour later, I fell asleep in his arms.

    My alarm went off at 6 a.m. I blinked a few times but didn’t want to move. Kevin snored beside me. I gazed at him and smiled. He looked so peaceful with his mouth half-open, his eyes twitching like they always did when he slept. I removed his left arm from my stomach and placed it on the bed. After turning off the alarm, I walked into our en-suite bathroom. Fudge was sprawled on the floor, also fast asleep.
    I sat next to him and rested my head on his back. Then I lifted him up—he was extremely heavy—and took him out of the room and put him on his cot in the living room. He didn’t stir the whole way.
    The shower felt soothing, but I was still troubled by the tension that had lingered in the room before we went to sleep. I didn’t want to go to work, but I had to. I wished I could stay home and sort things out with Kevin. He’d said everything was okay, but I could tell he was just trying to avoid an argument. I turned the shower off and spent twenty minutes applying makeup. The bronzer and a bit of eyeliner were enough. After I sprayed Calvin Klein perfume on my body, I knelt next to Kevin and stared at him. He stirred and started to sniff. He opened his eyes moments later to the sight of my smiling face.
    “Hey, baby,” he said.
    I smiled. He sounded as if he were in a better mood. “Hey.”
    “Why didn’t you wake me?”
    “I wanted you to sleep.” I kissed him. “Do you want to do something tonight after I finish work?”
    He sat up. “Really?”
    “Yes, why not? It was nice to get out last night. I think we need to do that more often. And this time”—I giggled—“I promise I won’t go all psycho on you.”

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