The Children Who Time Lost

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Book: Read The Children Who Time Lost for Free Online
Authors: Marvin Amazon
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult
time,” Warren said as I left. “I’ve got all the help I need here.”
    “You’re the best,” I said. Warren had been nothing but nice to me since I started working at the hospital five years before. He’d helped me through so many hard times, especially after Madeline died and my marriage stagnated. Suzanna always joked that if Kevin ever left me, I should go after Warren. I guess I found him handsome in an older-guy kind of way. With his long dark hair and neatly trimmed goatee, he certainly didn’t look fifty.
    Selena was waiting for me with the cordless phone in her hand when I arrived at reception. She had a firm but playful scowl on her face. I took the phone and walked toward the cafeteria. “Hi, Kevin,” I said.
    “How did you know it was me?”
    “Well, seeing as you’ve already called me three times today, I just had a feeling.”
    “I certainly hope so,” Kevin said, “or I might have to get jealous.”
    I chuckled.
    “When do you finish?”
    “I don’t know. I might stay a bit late. Why?”
    “I just thought we could watch the Lotto together before going out.”
    I frowned. “Kevin—”
    “Forget it. I’m sorry. I just thought … You know what, don’t worry about it. Just call me half an hour before you finish and I’ll come and get you.”
    “I won’t be long, I promise.”
    “Okay, honey,” he said. “I love you.”
    “Ditto.” I hung up and stood in the middle of the cafeteria. A few people stared at me as they read their papers and watched the wall-mounted TV. I knew why they were looking and wished they would stop. I was supposed to be this famous figure, but deep down, I was really just a pathetic mess. I couldn’t even get through a dinner without breaking down. I walked back to the reception area to return the phone to Selena.

    The clock struck six as Warren ushered me into his office. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t think I had done anything to warrant disciplinary action, and he had never asked me to see him alone in his office before. I knew there had been talk among some of the other doctors and nurses to the effect that he had a soft spot for me, but I always thought he had too much respect for me to speak of it.
    He opened the door for me and stood aside. I walked in, giving him a questioning glance. He smiled at me like nothing was wrong. After we sat down, he interlocked his fingers. “How are you doing, Rachel?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t understand.”
    “How are the headaches? The nightmares? Are you feeling better, or are the shakes getting worse?”
    I sank back in the chair and nodded. “I don’t know what’s going on anymore. My mind’s everywhere. I’m now having visions when I’m out.”
    “I take it you’re still seeing Jarrod.”
    I nodded. “Yes, I am. He’s been wonderful.”
    “But unethical,” Warren said with a raised voice. He placed both hands on his thighs and stood up.
    “What is it, Warren? What’re you not telling me? What’ve you got against Jarrod?”
    “Doesn’t it strike you as odd that your condition has worsened over the years, and now that you’re no longer part of the experiments, you’re losing your mind?”
    “But we all knew the risks.”
    He rushed forward and knelt beside me. My eyes widened. “But that’s the thing,” he said. “Those risks aren’t necessary.” He paused for a moment and stood up. He walked back to his seat. “I’ve known Jarrod for a very long time. We actually worked together on some of the more successful vaccines for the ribiti virus a few years back.”
    “I just … I think he’s reckless. He started human trials on some of the drugs we worked on way before they were ready. Thousands died. Somehow, he got people in the government to cover it up. Of course I can’t prove it, but what other reason could there be? He’s like a hero to them even now. I just feel that he might be doing the same thing with you. You’re not safe with him.”
    I jumped to

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