Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Read Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
She got up pacing away from the couch, standing near the door.
    “I don’t know why you didn’t wait. I told you Marvin needed to check the van over before you left.” Annie hadn’t wanted to wait. She needed this done, so that she could come to Katie’s wedding before she headed to the mountains.
    “It doesn’t matter, it’s done . I guess I will have to call and talk to Tobias. I hate having to call him. Is the load safe there?” Her mother finally asked, not waiting for Annie’s response to any of her complaints.
    “Yes, mother.” She grumbled, “I secured it.”
    “Rico need to come there?” she asked, making Annie cringe. Hell no, that asshole did not need to come here. She loved him, but she wasn’t sure how Tank and the other men would react to Rico. Rico was an acquired taste. He hated bikers, well he had since she’d been kidnapped. Since then he’d hated them with a passion. Actually all the boys had hated bikers since then, which was kinda funny since they were all bikers themselves. They just didn’t belong to a club, they belonged to her mother. She wasn’t really sure that was a good distinction.
    “No, I’m in Devils Falls.” Annie replied quickly.
    “Wait, isn’t that Devils territory? I will have Rico there in an hour.” Her mother replied.
    “No, that is not a good idea,” Annie hissed, looking over her shoulder at the people gathered behind her. “I’m fine. I have a friend here. Remember, that’s why I left early, so I could get it done before her wedding next week. If you send Rico it will be an issue.” Annie began to pace hoping her mother wouldn’t insist, it was going to be a close call. Her mother had never liked bikers.
    “Fine, but I will be sending them if you don’t check in every t hree hours. I want the usual signal. Or they will come to get you. Your fingers is the only one that will open that lock now. That means you call me every three hours, Annie. Or I send the boys.” Her mother hung up without another word, Annie wanted to scream. Fuck, sometimes she hated her mother. Turning she ran into a hard male chest, then she looked up at Tank, who’d been standing behind her.
    Tank watched Annie pacing near the door his ear pealed for any signs of distress, something was off with the way she spoke to her mother. He didn’t like it, she seemed embarrassed about something, or worried. He didn’t like that at all, she should never be worried. He wasn’t able to hear her talking to her mother, because Trick was molesting Katie, again. And her giggling was too loud. He got up, moving closer to her, hearing Annie hissing into the phone.
    “I’m fine. I have a friend here. Remember, that’s why I left early, so I could get it done before her wedding next week. If you send Rico it will be an issue.”
    Who the fuck was Rico? He sure as hell ho ped that he hadn’t found his women, only to find out she was with another man. Oh, fuck no, that would not fucking do at all. It was all he could manage not to grab his phone and tell her mother she’d better not fucking send any man she wanted to see alive again after Annie. He was still seeing red when she pulled the phone from her ear and then turned, running right into his chest.
    “Oh,” She said, looking up at him.
    “Who the fuck is Rico?” He demanded, unable to prevent the growl.
    “Ummm…my mother’s lap dog?” Annie replied, shocked at his clenched fists and dark glower. It was a scary sight, seeing Tank mad.
    “Why did she think you’d need him here? I will keep you safe. Do I need to call her and tell her that?” He demanded.
    “No, no…it’s fine she isn’t sending him.” Annie held his phone out to him. He took it, still not looking very calm. Annie was surprised that his anger didn’t scare her, maybe it was that her panties were wet. Okay, drenched, but only she knew that.
    He was just so damned sexy. But the anger not frightening her was shocking . Ever since the kidnapping she was

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