Fallen Blood

Read Fallen Blood for Free Online

Book: Read Fallen Blood for Free Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
to live through it.

    Carefully, he pulled himself off the bed in an attempt to not wake her. Somehow one of the blankets had wrapped itself around his ankle and refused to let him go. He could sympathize with it, as in truth he didn't really want to go himself. Unfortunately, he had things he needed to do. Today, he was going to have to confront these real life agents. He wondered if this was really such a wise decision on his part. As far as he knew, he had kept his 'abilities' secret so far. No one knew about the things he could do, and as his aunt had said, it was best that way for everyone's sake. He wasn't quite sure why people would freak out about him, after all, he was just as normal as they, or...at least mostly normal. He wasn't some dead guy who walked around attacking people for their blood. After all, he'd been born just as normal as anyone else. He had a perfect childhood, minus the dad, but these days that was almost the norm. Most of the kids he knew in school, or at least heard about, were single parent families. It wasn't that big a deal these days. Of course, he would have liked to know about his dad, even if he was a jerk who deserted him and his mom before he ever got to know him.

    His mother had said that was for the better, the fact that he had no memories of the man. He wondered if that was so, as he never really had a father figure to learn the normal things that boys his age would learn. Not that he missed any of that, but he couldn't help but wonder at times exactly what his life might have been like, had his father stayed around. Pausing next to the front window, Brian pulled back the curtain just enough so that he could see that the black SUV was still there. He really had hoped that they wouldn't be, that way there would be no risk of him exposing himself. He always felt it would be better to keep to himself, as he didn't want to freak people out, or become the freak himself.

    Some time after puberty the change began. At first they thought he had a tape worm, as he was always hungry. But as weeks passed by, he became more and more sickly. Auntie had wanted his mom to take him to see a doctor, but she had refused. As if she knew there was something different about him. Those days were hard, from what he could remember. He too had fevered dreams then. To this day he believed because of those dreams, he had unlocked his ability to invade people's dreams. His mom was the first to discover this unsettling power, as he tried to take refuge in her mind during this time. In fact, it was she who realized that the predominant feature that seemed to accompany him to her dreams, was blood. It's wasn't that long after that she came home with a plastic bag filled with the stuff. He never did find out how or where she got it from, but one thing that was sure. The moment she fed him some, the fever passed, and he began to make a full recovery.

    It was then that he was made aware of his condition. The condition that put him in self-imposed exile. Had all he ever needed was just to be given blood intravenously, then it wouldn't have been so bad. But instead he had to ingest it. It never had the same effect unless he ate the stuff. When he first had been forced to drink it, and a few days afterward he had gotten better, he found he couldn't continue to do it. But the thirst changed all that. With the thirst, he had no choice. Sickness and madness was all that awaited him without it, and he wouldn't be surprised if death also waited down that dark highway.

    The refrigerator held a good supply of the stuff at the moment. He could feel the hunger gnawing away at the back of his mind as he passed by it, and considered whether he would need a shot of it. Most likely not, as he was really only in a snacking kind of mood at the moment. Besides, he knew why he even considered drinking some at the moment. It was an attempt to delay the inevitable.

    He had hoped that the agent would have gone by now, but he knew that

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