Fallen Blood

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Book: Read Fallen Blood for Free Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
was never going to happen. Not if they really worked for the government. They would stay there until she returned, or something else changed. Today, that change was him. It really shouldn't be that much of a risk. Granted, going out and confronting government agents had a world of risk involve, but because he could just make them forget they even saw him, that should remove any kind of true danger to his secrets. Assuming no one saw what was going on. He couldn't see having to put suggestions into the entire neighborhood watch. That just wouldn't do. No, he had to be sneaky about it, and he was hoping he was up to the task, of course, at least some cover of darkness would help in this situation, and because of his dream walking with Heather, most of that darkness had seemed to pass, and daylight was fast approaching. Not that he had anything to fear from the sun. Admittedly, he had trouble working his own special mojo in daylight, but it wasn't impossible. No, his only worry was being seen by the neighbors. That was his only concern.

    He decided to leave the house by the back door. He had learned long ago not to make mistakes by taking dumb chances. What if there were other agents in the area, and they saw where he had come out of. That could endanger Heather, especially if they were to call in her possible location. Even if they didn't suspect her being there, they would definitely come for him if they saw where he came out of, which meant, just for safety purposes he was going to have to leave and sneak back in after this, just to be safe.

    He decided to come around from the back of the SUV, rather than allowing them the opportunity of observing him as he went up to them. He knew he could just make them forget that, too, but why take chances? You never know what could go wrong, and even if nothing ever did, it was better to be safe than take unnecessary chances. Listen to him. Talking about taking stupid chances. After all, what was he doing now? For a girl who more than likely wouldn't even talk to him in the morning, he was willing to risk exposing his greatest secret. If that wasn't taking foolish chances then he didn't know what was.

    In the end, though, he didn't see what other choice he had. He had brought himself into this by telling her to come to his house in an attempt to be part of her world, and now he was tasked with protecting her. After all, she hadn't done anything wrong. It was stupid Chuck and his friends that got her into it. They were the ones who should pay, not her. The agent in the driver's side noticed him first in his car door mirror. He watched Brian walk up alongside their vehicle, Brian could see he was talking to the other agent as he approached, most likely notifying him.

    He paused beside their door and knocked on their window as the two of them exchanged glances.

    "Can I help you?" The man said, as the window was going down.

    "I think that's my question?" Brian answered with a smile.

    The other agent opened his door and began to exit the SUV. I'm going to need to hurry this, I don't want to try to have to suggest both of them.

    Brian lowered his face so he could clearly look into the agents dark glasses, the memory of the other agent in Heathers dream came unbidden to him as he did so. He had to stifle a chuckle as he remembered what he had made the last agent do to himself.

    "Tell your buddy he needs to get back into the car." Brian said with a smile, just as the second agent rounded the back end of the SUV.

    "Son? Can I help you?" The agent in the SUV asked again.

    What the? Brian thought. He couldn't understand what just happened. he was sure he had just planted a suggestion into this mans head, but instead of complying, he had just acted as if nothing had happened.

    "I said, Tell your friend to back off." Brian concentrated harder the moment he thought the agent was looking at him. He couldn't remember ever having to concentrate to use his power of suggestion before, but he

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