Fallen Blood

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Book: Read Fallen Blood for Free Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
really didn't know what else to do.

    The agent frowned and started to open his door as well. Great, this is not working as I planned. I need to improvise.

    "Look, buddy, I don't know what you're creeping around for in my neighborhood, but I already called the cops, and they will be here soon. So you better clear out of here now."

    The second agent took up a position behind him several feet away, interlacing his hands at his waste, and stood with his feet spread apart.

    The first agent who Brian was speaking to pulled out a black wallet and flashed an ID card that had his picture and the words CIA in big bold letters across it.

    "Son, we are the police."

    That was a laugh. Since when did the CIA become part of the police enforcement? As far as Brian had ever heard, they were nothing but spies.

    "Oh... Well, what are you doing hanging around here?"

    Each of the agents looked at the other for a second, then the first who was now standing in front of Brian took up the same pose his partner had, except this one was a bit more relaxed as he leaned back on his heels as he answered.

    "Government business, Son. But if you want to help, do you know a Heather Thompson?" the man asked, as he now leaned forward as if to look better into Brian's face.

    "No, I don't know her. Why, what do you want with her?"

    This wasn't getting anywhere, and Brian was quickly losing control of the situation. He still had a chance to get out of this without taking too much damage to his secret, but that still left the problem that he was getting no information, and why these guys seemed to be immune to his suggestion.

    "I thought you didn't know her?" The agent leaned forward leaving the back of his heels and moving to the balls of his feet.

    "I don't, I was just curious, is all."

    "Well, the police seem to be remiss in their duties. How long ago did you call them?" The agent smiled.

    Alright, this needed to end, the question was, how? Should he try to take these two out, and risk the firestorm that would create, or should he just back out of the situation? He knew what his aunt and mother would say. He still had all his options, that in itself dictated his choice.

    "Well, actually, I...meant to call them. I was only bluffing because I really didn't know who you guys were." Brian began to walk to the side in an attempt to get away from the two.

    "Really?" The agent began to turn and walk with Brian " Exactly what is your name, in fact, do you have any identification?"

    "No, actually I don't, and I really need to be going."

    Brian turned to head down the street, he really just needed to get away from this, as his whole plan hinged on him being able to put a suggestion into their heads. That wasn't possible now, and he wasn't sure why. Perhaps the sunglasses somehow prevented him from doing it. Maybe he wasn't actually looking into the man's eyes? Either way, this was turning out to be a real bad idea.

    "Wait a minute, Son." The agent grabbed his arm and spun him around. "I think we have some more questions for you. Charlie check him for ID."

    The second agent's feet could be heard coming up behind Brian. Nope, this is not working out at all. Brian smashed his open palm into the first agent's chest, sending him flying backward, he could feel the cracking of the man's upper ribs as he did so. Before the second agent could react, Brian brought his elbow crashing into the man's face, breaking his nose as he did so, and knocking the man to the ground completely senseless. Well, at least that went a bit better. Not immune to violence, apparently.

    He had been willing just to get away, but these two had pushed him a bit too far. The first agent thrashed on the ground in obvious pain, and Brian watched as he tried to reach into his now open coat and begin to pull what he was sure was a gun from inside it.

    "None of that." Brian said, as he took the now exposed gun from the agents fumbling hand. Well, now what? he thought. This night had been

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