Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

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Book: Read Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
haven’t been home much lately. I will clean it up when I get back from the clubhouse. I have to head over there this afternoon to talk to Bone,” He watched her as she looked around with a frown. “I’ll just show you the guest room, it’s clean.”
    “Okay,” Annie said, and followed him up stairs. “So you live alone?”
    “Yeah, why do you ask?” Tank looked over his shoulder at her.
    “Well some of the clothes downstairs were women’s. Wanted to be sure I wasn’t surprising anyone by being here. I hate messy scenes.” Annie wanted to grin at the way Tank’s ears began to redden again. She’d managed to embarrass him again, she realized. Well, the man was certainly messy, not as messy as the boys though. God, those assholes were so fucking messy she wanted to beat them with the messes they created. She cringed, thinking of the onetime she’d had to clean their house. It had given her nightmares for weeks. She still wasn’t sure that the cheese she’d found molded and oozing disgusting goop, wasn’t lurking somewhere, trying to find her. She shivered.
    “No messy scenes, and I will clean up when I get back. Must have been something left here after the last bon fire.” She saw that the tops of his ears where red again, then he muttered. “When I get back I will take care of it, and then cook dinner, okay.” Tank told her as he opened a door. It lead to a room that was dominated by the extra-large bed.
    The bedding was a deep b rown with varying shades. Annie eyed him with apprehension. Was this his room? She was not going to sleep with him, at least not right away. Her lady bits protested this discussion with a wet needy feeling. No, she told herself firmly, she was not going to sleep with him after four hours of knowing him. She was not a slut! Her body didn’t care, and it became embarrassingly wet. With a sigh, she brushed past him then turned looking at Tank standing in the doorway.
    “This is the guest room , right,” she demanded.
    “Yes,” Tank replied , his brow furrowed. “My room’s across the hall. I’ll be back in about two hours. Then I’ll make us dinner. I need to head out, so call me if you need something. Make yourself at home.” After he’d said this he turned, and walked out the door and down the stairs. Leaving Annie standing in the room shocked that he’d just left a perfect stranger in his home without even one stipulation. Didn’t the man know that was dangerous? She could rob him blind.
    It only took about a half hour for her to freak over the mess. She’d headed down to the kitchen to get a glass of water to find that the kitchen was worse than the living room. There were dishes piled in the sink and again cans littered the counter tops, and she wasn’t sure how the man cooked in this room. There was just a fine layer of grim e that seemed to be on the counters and floor. She was disgusted, men were just gross. She started with the dishes and worked her way from the kitchen to the living room. She saved the laundry for last. Since she didn’t know where the laundry room was, she began opening doors trying to find it.
    The third door she opened had a set of stairs leading down. She walked down them an d turned on the light. And got a surprise as she took in the room. Staring at the rows and rows of shelves, and on those shelves were guns. Lots and lots of guns, and other assorted hardware. She walked further into the room, amazed at the shear amount of shelves that seemed to go on and on. She walked to the first shelf, picking up a grenade launcher, wondering where he’d gotten all this hardware from. She turned it and saw the emblem embedded on the side in a shocked surprise. Setting it down on the shelf again she began looking at the others. That small little emblem was on over half of the guns inside the room.
    Hell , how was that possible? She knew for a fact that her mother hadn’t sold any of these guns to the Red Devils. Her mother never worked with

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