Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Read Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair for Free Online

Book: Read Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair for Free Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
lessons so I can sing with Cory ' s band, if it ' s the last thing I d o.

    T he next day was Saturday, and as soon as Taffy finished breakfast, she raced to the phone to call Shawnie and tell her the big news, that Cory had asked her to go steady. She also wanted to explain why they hadn ' t been at the skating rink. Taffy let the phone ring at least a dozen times, but no one answered.
    " Rats! " she said in frustration. She knew Shawnie and her mother frequently went shopping on Saturday. It was obvious from Shawnie ' s fabulous wardrobe. But she was still disappointed. It was the same old thing, she thought, good news and no one to tell it to.
    She wandered around the house all morning, alternating between trying Shawnie ' s number again and daydreaming about Cory and how wonderful it would be to be onstage with him.
    She was stretched across her bed, picturing her favorite scene for the hundredth time. The setting was the Wakeman Junior High gymnasium. The Dreadful Alternatives, with her as singer, were performing onstage. On the gym floor the crowd was applauding wildly. Suddenly a knock on her bedroom door jolted her back to reality.
    " Taffy? " her mother called from the hallway. " May I come in? I have something for you. "
    " Sure, " Taffy answered, wondering why her mother sounded so excited.
    Mrs. Sinclair entered the room smiling broadly and handed a letter to Taffy. " This just came for you. It ' s from your friend Paige Kramer in Hollywood. "
    Taffy drew in her breath. " From Paige? " she asked excitedly. " Gosh, thanks. "
    Paige Kramer was a former child star. At first she had been Taffy ' s enemy on the movie set because she had wanted the starring role that Taffy got. But later, after Taffy had gotten to know Paige and understand her problems, they had become best friends. Taffy carried the letter to her bed and sat cross-legged in the center. She started to open it when she noticed that her mother had not moved. Mrs. Sinclair was watching her intently.
    " Hurry, Taffy, open it, " her mother instructed. " Paige might have heard whether or not your movie is going to become a TV series. "
    Taffy frowned. It was her letter. Her private letter. " I ' ll let you know if she says anything about it, " said Taffy. She put the letter in her lap and looked at her mother calmly.
    " Well! " huffed Mrs. Sinclair. Then she hurried out of the room, muttering. " After all, I am your mother. "
    As soon as the door closed again, Taffy sank back against her pillows and eagerly tore open the envelope.
    Dear Taffy,
    I know you ' ve only been gone a few days, but I had to write anyway, to tell you how much I miss you. KJ, Tess, Raven , and I went to the beach yesterday. Raven wore his red wig and sunglasses disguise so he wouldn't be mobbed by teenage girls, but things just weren't the same without you.
    I' ve also been wondering how you ' re getting along at school. How is everyone treating you? Okay, I hope. Remember, I know how tough it can be when everyone i s jealous.
    We ' re all keeping our fingers crossed that the producers will decide to go ahead with the TV series so that you'll be back here soon. There is supposed to be a decision in a few weeks. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Write soon.
    P.S. I almost forgot! Raven asked for your address! He said he's going to write to you really soon!
    The words in the letter hit Taffy like a tidal wave. She swallowed hard and read them again. Things just weren't the same without you. . . . We're all keeping our fingers crossed . . . that you'll be back here soo n. . . . But most of all her eyes kept going back to the last two lines of the letter.
    I almost forgot! Raven asked for your address! He sai d he's going to write to you really soon!
    Taffy felt as if someone were squeezing her heart. Hollywood had been so much fun, so exciting compared to Wakeman Junior High. She was trying to fit in. And she really did like Cory, but . . . did Raven

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