Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

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Book: Read Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair for Free Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
really care about her, too?
    " Oh, why did this letter have to come now? " she whispered.
    She heard the telephone ringing downstairs, and a moment later her mother called up to her.
    " It ' s for you, Taffy. "
    Taffy folded the letter and p ut it under her pillow. T hen she raced for the phone.
    " Hi, Taffy, " said Shawnie as soon as Taffy said hello.
    " Oh, hi, " Taffy answered in surprise. " I ' ve been trying to call you all morning. Did you and your mom go shopping? "
    " No, " said Shawnie. " I was over at Kimm ' s. I left a sweater over there last week, and I went by to pick it up."
    " Oh, " replied Taffy in a small voice.
    " I love going over to Kimm ' s, " Shawnie continued. " Her house is decorated with all this neat Oriental stuff. I even learned to eat with chopsticks there. "
    " Great, " Taffy said sarcastically. Why couldn ' t Shawnie understand how it made her feel to hear about Kimm all the time when Shawnie was supposed to be her best friend?
    " Hey, the reason I called was to find out where you and Cory were last night. Is everything okay? "
    " Sure, everything ' s great, " Taffy assured her. " We went to a movie instead of Skateland. "
    " What? "
    " My mom wouldn ' t let me go skating. She was afraid that I ' d break my leg and ruin my acting career. " Taffy groaned.
    Shawnie giggled. " Oh, no! That ' s too wild. So did you guys have a good time? "
    " Did we ever, " said Taffy, forgetting for the moment about Kimm and about Paige ' s letter. " You ' ll never guess what happened after the movie. Cory asked me to go steady. "
    " Wow! " shouted Shawnie. " That ' s super! What did he say? Tell me everything. "
    Taffy closed her eyes. " Well . . ." she began, and told Shawnie all about it, not leaving out a single detail. " I couldn ' t believe it, " she added happily.
    " And when you first got home from Hollywood, you were worried that he didn ' t like you anymore. See? What did I tell you? He ' s crazy about you, " Shawnie said. " So I guess you ' ll forget all about Raven Blaine now, right? "
    Shawnie ' s question startled Taffy. " Oh . . . well, sure . . . I guess so, " she fumbled.
    " He ' s awfully far away, anyway, " Shawnie offered.
    " Right, " agreed Taffy, sounding more convinced than she felt. " I mean, I ' ll probably never see him again. "
    But what do I really mean? thought Taffy as she hung up the phone. She had never felt so totally confused before. She went back to her room and pulled Paige ' s letter out from under her pillow, then read it once again.
    I like Cory a lot, she thought. And I do want to go steady with him and fit in at Wakeman. But can I fit in? My best friend spends half her time with someone else. And I can ' t seem to forget Hollywood and Raven Blaine.
    For the next few days, Taffy raced home every day and checked the mail for a letter from Raven. Every day she was disappointed. At first she made up excuses for why he hadn ' t written.
    He ' s busy. But Paige had written they went to the beach. If he had time to do that, surely he had time for a letter.
    He's lost my address. But if he got it from Paige in the first place, he could get it from her again.
    Finally there was only one reason she could think of for not hearing from Raven. He doesn't like me after all, she decided.

    G radually life at Wakeman Junior High got back to normal for Taffy. Most kids seemed to forget that she was a movie star, and they stopped staring at her in the halls and whispering behind her back. Word had spread quickly that she and Cory were going steady, and now she was sure that the jealous looks she got from other girls were because she was Cory Dillon ' s girlfriend.
    Still, she couldn ' t help feeling a little depressed at how ordinary life at Wakeman was after the excitement of the movie set.
    " It ' s so boring. All I do is go to the same old classes at the same old times day after day, " she complained to Shawnie one day at lunch. " At least when I had a tutor on the set, I

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