Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

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Book: Read Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair for Free Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
could work on whichever subject I felt like at the moment, just as long as I got it all done. And I only had to spend three hours a day in school. The rest of the time I rehearsed with the other kids or shot the scenes. It was definitely a lot more fun. "
    Shawnie nodded. " It does get pretty boring here sometimes, " she admitted. " If it weren ' t for Media Club, I ' d go berserk. " Shawnie put down the sandwich she had started to bite into and looked at Taffy. " Hey, I ' ve got a great idea. Why don ' t you join Media Club? "
    " Media Club? " Taffy echoed. " Why would I want to do that? "
    " What do you mean, why ? " asked Shawnie. " You already know that we ' re doing a weekly show on the local cable television station. It ' s called The Wakeman Bulletin Board. If you got involved, it would give you a chance to get back in front of a camera again. You ' d love it. Besides, it ' s something we could have a blast doing together. "
    Taffy gave Shawnie a skeptical look.
    " I can see it all now, " said Shawnie, bubbling with enthusiasm. " The greatest show biz team of all time: Pendergast and Sinclair. Ta-DA! Whoops! " she added, laughing, " Sinclair and Pendergast, of course. "
    T affy smiled, but then her face clouded. " I don ' t know, " she said slowly. " It wouldn ' t be anything like Hollywood. "
    " Of course not, " Shawnie conceded. " But it ' s fun anyway. And with your experience, I ' ll bet there ' s a lot you could teach us—Mr. Levine included. "
    Interest flickered in Taffy ' s mind. She hadn ' t thought of it that way. It would be fun explaining to everyone how movies are made. She might even be able to suggest ways to improve the TV show.
    " Come on, Taffy, say you ' ll do it, " pleaded Shawnie. " Come with me today. We ' re going to be filming this week ' s show. "
    " Well . . ." Taffy hesitated.
    " Pleeeease, " said Shawnie, clasping her hands in front of her as if she were begging.
    " Okay, " said Taffy. " I ' ll try it once. "
    The more Taffy thought about Media Club during her afternoon classes, the better it sounded. Producing a television show would be a lot more interesting than math or English. And Shawnie had been right when she ' d said it was something fun that they could do together.
    After school Taffy met Shawnie at her locker.
    " The club meets in the media center, " said Shawnie as she led Taffy through the halls. " This month I ' m one of the reporters, so I won ' t be in front of the camera. "
    " On camera, " Taffy corrected.
    " Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, " said Shawnie with an embarrassed laugh.
    All conversation stopped when Taffy walked into the medi a center. Fu nny Hawthorne and Beth Barry were moving chairs around, and they froze and stared at her. Shane Arrington and Jon Smith had been standing to one side talking, and they looked up, too.
    Paul Smoke was the first to speak. " Oh, hi, Taffy. We ' re fixing up the set so that we can film today. "
    " You mean, you ' re dressing the set, " said Taffy. " That ' s what we call it in Hollywood. "
    H er words were met with stony silence. Oh, no, she thought. I ' m doing it again. I ' m talking about Hollywood and and turning everyone off. Still, she thought stubbornly, I know what I ' m talking about. I thought that the purpose of this club was to learn about things like that.
    " Come on, Taffy, " said Shawnie, tugging on her arm. " Let me show you around. "
    " I know everyone resents me, " she whispered to Shawnie. " Did you see the looks on Beth ' s and Fu nny ' s faces? "
    " Don ' t worry about it, " Shawnie assured her. " They ' ll get over it when they see what a pro you are. "
    Taffy wasn ' t sure they would, but she sighed and followed Shawnie on her grand tour.
    " Jon suggested this corner of the media center as our set, " Shawnie continued. " We think it looks a lot like the Today show or Good Morning America, don ' t you? " Taffy looked at Shawnie in disbelief, but she didn ' t reply.
    " And that big posterboard on the easel is the

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