Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon

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Book: Read Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon for Free Online
Authors: Dr. Bon Blossman
different from the all-black wardrobe I typically wore to school. I wasn’t a Goth, but I tried to blend into the crowds of the hallway. If the popular girls couldn’t see me, they wouldn’t shout mean things about me —or so I thought.
    I tried to void my self of negativity , conjuring po sitive thoughts in the forefront of my mind regarding Luminal, Janice, and my family. I promised myself I would create a better day as I ambled down the hallway and into our Tuscan-inspired kitchen . I gobbled down a bowl of cereal and drank some milk out of the carton . Why not? Janice wasn’t there hovering over my shoulder.
    My mother hobbled into the kitchen to kiss me goodbye , giving me strict instructions on what to look for as far as Gerald Smith was concerned. As she lectured about the obvious, I stared at every crack and fissure in the e arthy rock wall, thinking about how st range it was for Janice not to be standing there making bacon, eggs, and chocolate-chipped pancakes.
    “Mom, how’s Janice today?”
    She countered with a solemn stare.
    “I just checked on her , she’s not improving. Getting worse. G oing to have her checked out today. K eep her in your prayers. I know you are going through a lot. I wished I could say everything will be fine, but it burns my heart that I can’t right now. ”
    “Mom, don’t worry. I’m keeping my head up, hoping for the best . Things always have a way of working out . I’m sure Janice will be okay. I heard strep ’s going around the school, so it might be pretty widespread in town —she runs errands every day.”
    She reminded me I was to stay with my assigned black suit. He was to drive me, but I loved my car and t he freedom driving gave me — even if I would have a federal Town Car tracing my every step. With strong opposition, I grabbed my car keys from the countertop and kissed her on the forehead. I won.
    My parking spot was in f ront of the house, on the street in front of the circle driveway. I didn’t like being blocked in by houseguests and my parents and Janice took up our three-car garage in the back alleyway with the black Lincoln Town Car fleet — license plates Frost 1, Frost 2 and Frost 3. I was so thankful my father didn’t make me drive a Town Car with a plate of Frost 4 . I know it was discussed as a possibility, however.
    As I broke the barrier of my house, I laid eyes upon th e agent assigned to me , w aiting in the driveway. As soon as my feet hit the porch , he stepped out of his car to greet me.
    “Hello, you must be Fiona. My name is A gent Bronson,” he said, extending a manicured hand in my direction.
    He was undoubtedly the most handsome federal agent I had ever seen , and I had met quite a few during my last murder case . His chiseled face b elonged on a magazine cover with dark hair like shiny satin and almond-shaped eyes the color of milk chocolate. M id-twenties , he wore the same black suit like the rest . I had speculated their suits were government-issued. I suddenly didn’t feel too badly about being followed , but I still wasn’t willing to give up my freedom and hop in his car . Shaking his hand, I smiled. He nodded , arching a n eyebrow.
    “Well, I’m driving that ,” I said, pointing to my car , “and I ’m going to the high school— only a few blocks from here.”
    “Are you sure you don’t want to ride with me? ” he implored with a mellifluous voice as he smiled, exposing brilliantly white teeth . “If we’re going to the same place, it’s silly to take two cars , and you know I’m assigned to protect you .”
    “I’m fine. I have all of my stuff in my car; I’d be naked without it ,” I said playfully, s kipping towards my car . “What could happen within a couple of blocks? I won’t lose ya !”
    “Not a chance,” he brightened as he swiftly climbed into the driver’s seat, his engine already running.
    In a matter of minutes, we were at the high school, and he pulled his car perpendicular to mine ,

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